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Why don't animal cells have chloroplasts?

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Because they have different demands, plant cells and animal cells do not look the same or contain all of the same organelles. Plant cells, for example, have chloroplasts because they require photosynthesis, but animal cells do not. On the exterior as well as at the cellular level, plants and animals are profoundly different.

Complete answer:
Plant cells have chloroplasts, while mitochondria are found only in animal cells. Because plants cannot obtain sugar from food, they must rely on sunshine to do it. The chloroplast is where this process (photosynthesis) occurs. A plant requires sunlight, carbon dioxide ($CO_2$), and water to perform photosynthesis. After photosynthesis, the sugar is broken down by the mitochondria to produce energy.

Animals don't need chloroplasts because they acquire sugar from their diet; they just need mitochondria.
Vacuoles are found in both plant and animal cells. A big, solitary vacuole is found in each plant cell and is used to store water and nutrients. It also aids in the maintenance of the cell's form. Animal cells, on the other hand, have many smaller vacuoles that are also employed to store water and nutrients.

Plant cells have a cell membrane and a cell wall. The cell membrane is surrounded by the cell wall in plants. This is what gives the plant cell its distinctive rectangular form.

The cell membrane's job is to control the passage of water and other materials into and out of the cell. It also serves as a barrier for protection.
There is no cell wall in animal cells, only a cell membrane.

Plant cells have chloroplast and cell walls, whereas animal cells do not. Plant cells must be rigid to maintain their posture, and they require chlorophyll, which is found in the chloroplast, for food production. Animals, on the other hand, do not require cell rigidity and do not have chloroplast because they are heterotrophs.