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Difference Between Zoospore and Zygote

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What is the Difference between Zoospore and Zygote?

To differentiate between zoospore and zygote let us first learn what is zoospore and what is zygote. Both these terms are used in the explanation of reproduction in organisms. Zoospore is the medium through which asexual reproduction occurs and a zygote is a term used to describe the fertilized ova at a later stage of development after fusion. A zygote has various phases of development. A zygote is formed in sexual reproduction, after the fertilization of the ova.

What is Zoospore?

Zoospore is the asexual reproductive spore that is capable of moving and developing into a new individual without fusion. Zoospore uses a flagellum (Tessellated flagella or Whiplash flagella) for locomotion. They are the means of asexual reproduction in some of the algae, fungi, and protozoans. Zoospores are produced by mitosis in the sporangium. As they are developed internally they are known as endogenous.

Introduction to Life Cycle

Meiosis and fertilisation alternate during the sexual life cycle. A diploid cell divides into haploid cells during meiosis, and two haploid cells (zoospore) combine to form a diploid zygote during fertilization. 

Define Zoospore

Zoospore is a type of asexual spore found in algae and fungi that are propelled by flagella. Zoospores can be thought of as largely pre-programmed cells that simply need the right signals to move through a complex chain of events that leads to infection. It progresses via adhesion and encystment, which involves adhesin release and the formation of a cyst wall. A zoospore settles and encysts on a host in a specific orientation, allowing the developing hypha to penetrate the host quickly. They move around by using flagella. They are asexual reproductive methods. Spores of various algae, fungus, and protozoans are examples.

Define a Zygote

The first diploid cell created by the fusing of male and female gametes results in the production of an embryo, which is known as a zygote.

In the first week after conception, zygote development takes place. The zygote genome is made up of the DNA from each gamete and contains all of the genetic information needed to become a human. The zygote is an important link in the chain that ensures the survival of the species from one generation to the next. The creation of a zygote begins life processes in every sexually reproducing creature.

The zygote is the first step in the formation of a distinct creature. It contains all of the key components required for development as an encoded collection of information in the chromosome makeup.

Only after a number of divisions into cleavage does the zygote become activated to create proteins. A zygote's cells double in number with each cycle of cell division, i.e., the cell number grows at an exponential rate. Because the cells do not have enough time to expand due to rapid division, the 32-cell stage known as morula is the same size as the zygote. The zona pellucida, which also controls morula growth, stays intact. The cells begin to differentiate and develop more particular forms and functions after four days.

Distinctions between Zoospore and Zygote


  • Zoospores are sexually infertile reproductive organs.

  • Zoospores are motile because they possess flagella.

  • After germination, zoospores produce new individuals.

  • Zoospores are produced by the lower organisms.


  • Sexual reproduction is the cause of it.

  • Because the zygote lacks flagella, it is non-motile.

  • The zygote develops into an embryo, which then gives birth to a new person.

  • In higher plants and animals, the zygote is created.

Morphological Types of Zoospore

There are different types of zoospore in eukaryotes some of them are mentioned below:

  • Opisthokont 

  • Anisokont

  • Heterokont 

What is a Zygote?

The fusion of two gametes, sperm cell, and egg cell is known as a zygote. It is also known as a fertilized egg or ovum. A zygote is formed in sexual reproduction. It has all the necessary genetic information which is required to form a new individual. The first discoveries on zygote formation were made by Oscar and Richard Hertwig in the 19th century. Some of the examples where zygote formation takes place are fungi, Plants, and humans.

Differentiate Between a Zoospore and a Zygote 

Below we will discuss some of the important difference between zoospore and zygote




Zoospores are the asexual spore seen in some of the species like plants and algae.

Zygotes are sexually produced diploid cells, 

Formed by the fusion of two haploid cells.


They are motile in nature because of flagella.

Zygotes are non-motile in nature as they don’t have flagella for locomotion.


Zoospores may be diploid or haploid. 

Zygotes are generally diploid.


After germination, they form into a new individual.

In zygote new individuals are formed after undergoing certain development from the embryo.


This is seen in lower kingdoms 

A zygote is seen in the higher kingdom like Plantae and Animalia.


It takes place in dispersal.

They take very little part in the dispersal


It is formed endogenously in zoosporangium

They are formed by the fusion of two haploid cells or gametes.


Here, we have discussed: “What is Zoospore and also Zygote?’’ and how to differentiate between zoospore and zygote. From the above discussion, we can conclude that zoospores are motile (due to flagella), naked protoplasmic bodies, and asexual reproductive structure. Zygotes are diploid membranes and non-motile in nature. They are formed by the fusion of two gametes through sexual reproduction. To distinguish between gamete and zygote is another of the common topics covered in studies of sexual reproduction.

FAQs on Difference Between Zoospore and Zygote

1. How Does Zoospore Differ from Zygote in Terms of Ploidy?

Both Zoospore and zygote are diploid in nature. Zoospores are formed by the mitotic division of sporangia which is diploid. In the zygote two haploid gametes, Sperm and ovum fuse to form a diploid Zygote.

2. Why Do Fungi Reproduce Asexually?

Asexual reproduction is much faster compared to sexual reproduction. They reproduce asexually so that they can produce more numbers fungi. Asexual reproduction is dependent on many factors like climatic conditions, food availability, and when it undergoes asexual reproduction.

3. What Happens When We Inhale Spore?

Spores are generally light in weight and can travel in the air. When the person inhales the spore along with the oxygen. The persons who develop diseases that include toxic pneumonitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, tremors, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney failure, and cancer. It can be prevented by avoiding the moist area in the surrounding, Using a dehumidifier and air conditioner, and using air filters for proper ventilation.

4. What are haploid and diploid cells?

Diploid - A cell or creature that has paired or two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent, is called a diploid. All human cells are diploid, with 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Haploid - A cell or organism that contains only one copy of each chromosome is called haploid or monoploid. Human sperm and egg cells are haploid and have one chromosome pair.

5. Zoospores and Zygote are two different terms in biology, how?

Separate species of creatures create zoospore and zygote, which are two different reproductive structures. The zoospores are minute motile structures with a flagellum for propulsion that are asexual. A zygote is the outcome of the union of two haploids (n) gametes during sexual fertilisation. In biology, these two-term are the main part of the reproductive system. More detailed information can be derived from the Vedantu app.

6. Name different types of spores?

There are also other sorts of spores, such as  asexual spores and sexual spores, Zoospores and Zygote are sexual spores, Vegetative spores are spores that grow on plants, Megaspores of plants (female gametophyte), Microspores of plants (develop into male gametophyte), Exospores are spores that form outside of the cell yet are created within the organism (e.g. bacteria). Endospores - Endospores are spores produced by the organism itself (e.g. bacteria).

7. Why zoospores are non-motile and non-flagellated spores.

The motile and flagellated spores formed inside the zoosporangia are known as zoospores. They are usually unclothed (without a cell wall). The flagella aids appropriate distribution in watery settings by swimming. Some lower fungi Phycomycetes, such as Albugo, Phytophthora, and others, and some algae use zoospores to reproduce.

8. Is zygote diploid or haploid?

The zygote is the first stage of a human being's development, a genetically unique organism's development. The zygote is diploid because it contains genes from both parents (carrying two sets of chromosomes). Except for bacteria, all species' sexual reproduction involves the combining of haploid gametes to generate a diploid zygote. Smaller cells known as blastomeres can serve as early building blocks for future organisms.The archegonium is the chamber where the zygote is created.