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AIIMS 2018 Physics Question Paper with Solutions - 26th May 2018 Evening Shift


AIIMS 2018 Physics Question Paper with Solutions - 26th May 2018 Evening Shift

Physics for AIIMS, or any other test, requires a firm foundation in the basics. It is necessary to be able to visualize the different processes. If your fundamentals are clear, you may readily increase your application skills and problem-solving talents. As a result, you must study with patience while keeping this in mind. Concepts should be grasped rather than muddled. One thought is related to another, and Vedantu Knowledge Tree can help you figure out how. Understand the notion in such a way that it can be visualized. When it comes to Physics, this is crucial.

Solving AIIMS Physics questions will assist you in honing your application and problem-solving skills. You must practice answering a significant number of questions to learn the ability to use your knowledge to solve difficulties.

We, at Vedantu, have provided solutions to Physics question papers of AIIMS by keeping in mind - to provide you with detailed solutions to all the questions. All our study materials and question answers for AIIMS are available for free and it is easily downloadable in PDF format. We also have Last year's question paper of AIIMS from 2015 to 2019. The PDF is free and will help you to prepare well for your exam.

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The Important AIIMS Physics Topics

AIIMS physics preparation necessitates candidates' mastery of the themes that bear more weightage than others, as determined by an examination of previous year's question papers. This technique might be quite beneficial for applicants who are seeking how to prepare for AIIMS Physics.

Candidates studying for AIIMS Physics must always begin with a firm grasp of the subject at hand. In addition to understanding the theoretical aspects of AIIMS Physics subjects, students must also learn how to apply their knowledge in completing multiple-choice questions and numerical-based tasks.

Select Your Preparation Materials

The NCERT should be the primary source of preparation for AIIMS Physics. Candidates studying for AIIMS Physics must ensure that they understand all of the topics included in the curriculum and answer all of the numerical problems, including those provided in the NCERT's example section. Additionally, applicants should consult the books listed below for numerical practice and a knowledge of how the principles are used.

Formulas for Mastery

When it comes to AIIMS physics, formulae are an essential element of the preparation process. Candidates must know and understand all of the formulae. Maintaining a notepad containing all of the major formulae of AIIMS Physics and their accompanying ideas should become a habit.


It is an evident reality that preparing for AIIMS in Physics needs a great deal of practice. Everything, from formulae to numerical calculations, must be extensively practised by the aspirant. Regular practice exposes one to a variety of topics and aids in the understanding of how to apply principles while addressing the questions. Candidates could also practice answering previous year's AIIMS Physics exam papers.

You Should Time Yourself

Time is an important factor in AIIMS Physics preparation. Candidates must attempt to answer the AIIMS Physics question paper in a restricted amount of time. This will aid the candidate's improving speed and increase morale on test day.

Complete Mock Exams

Candidates could take online mock examinations to get a feel for the real exam day setting. The NTA plans to open a slew of practice facilities that will be open on weekends and holidays. Candidates are recommended to take as many mock examinations as possible to increase their speed of answering and answering since AIIMS is conducted offline.

Allow for Revision

Candidates preparing for AIIMS Physics must establish the habit of continuous review. Given that the AIIMS Physics curriculum comprises a plethora of ideas and formulae, a continuous review is the only method to keep the material fresh in mind till the test.

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FAQs on AIIMS 2018 Physics Question Paper with Solutions - 26th May 2018 Evening Shift

1. From where did the students get the AIIMS Previous Year 2018 Question Paper?

Students always have trouble finding previous years’ questions papers and especially for AIIMS. The best website for the previous AIIMS question is Vedantu. It has the question paper written in the best way with the best solution. It gives you the previous years’ questions paper of all the subjects with their solutions at no cost. Students don't have to worry about the previous papers from now on, just go to the correct website like Vedantu and start your studies with correct preparation.

2. What makes Physics Difficult for Medical Students, and How should they approach It?

Physics is challenging for individuals who do not comprehend the underlying ideas. When the principles are understood, one begins to appreciate Physics. The students' attitude is what makes this topic tough for them. They attempt to learn Physics principles by answering questions, whereas it should be the other way around. Concentrate on topics and attempt to comprehend the derivation process. These will assist you in answering the majority of the questions in the AIIMS Physics sections.

3. How to Prepare for AIIMS Physics: A Beginner's Guide?

As noted in the introduction, the initial chapters that introduce a candidate to Physics are typically Mechanics, Calculus, and so on. These involve a lot of number crunching, which reminds me of math. This is the point at which the applicant sees parallels between the two topics and begins to consider Physics as if it were Mathematics. They overlook the fact that, unlike mathematics, physics contains notions as well. 

4. What are the Best AIIMS Physics Books?

There are no exceptions to NCERT being required for AIIMS preparation. This is the greatest book for AIIMS Physics and will help you lay the groundwork for your study, but you will also need a book to reinforce your knowledge. This is the time at which you introduce a reference book. Both experts and toppers agree that HC Verma is the greatest reference book for AIIMS Physics, for both theory and problems. The questions after each chapter begin simple and progressively rise in complexity.

5. What strategy should you use to solve this Numerical Section?

Because AIIMS Physics involves attention and speed, the sequence is dependent on your energy levels. If you are more enthusiastic at the start of the test and can focus better throughout the first hour, you should tackle the Physics subject first. However, if you are the kind of person who begins slowly and picks up pace at the conclusion, saves the Physics portion for last. 

Speed: When you finally start working on this portion, you must keep up the pace. Now is not the time to think creatively.