NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management in Hindi PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Hindi Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management
1. If wheat is sown in the Kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.
If wheat is grown in the Kharif season, it will not grow properly and will get destroyed because the crop will not get the right temperature, minerals, and availability of pests, etc. Kharif crops such as rice are grown in the rainy season because they need more water. Wheat is not a Kharif crop and does not require much water for growth. Therefore, wheat should not be grown in the Kharif season.
2. Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field.
When farmers grow crops continuously in the fields, the soil becomes deficient in many important nutrients that are necessary for the good yield of crops. The soil will not get enough time to get replenished when crops are sown continuously and this makes the soil infertile. Therefore, crop rotation is the best method for growing crops and getting a good yield of the crops. Crop rotation helps replenish the soil with the necessary nutrients.
3. What is the basis of the classification of crops in our country?
In our country, crops are mainly classified based on the season in which they are grown. There are two types of crops: Kharif and Rabi crops, based on the season in which they grow. Kharif crops, such as rice, bajra, and coconut, are mainly grown in the rainy season, from May to September. Rabi crops, such as wheat, barley and mustard, are mainly grown in the winter season from October to March.
4. Which is the Best Reference or Guide Book for Class 8 Science?
Students of Class 8 should study Science from the NCERT book. They should thoroughly read all chapters of science from the NCERT book and solve all exercises. They should understand the basic concepts. For solutions, they can visit the page NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 8 Science. For further reference, they can use the following books:
Golden (New Age) Guide of Science by N K Gupta
Lakhmir’s Science for Class 8 by S. Chand
5. What is the key to scoring more marks in the CBSE Class 8 Science Exam?
If students want to score more marks in the CBSE Class 8 Science Exam, they should read all the chapters thoroughly. They can refer to the notes and NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 8 Science given at the Vedantu website ( and app free of cost. The notes are prepared by the experts per the latest syllabus and guidelines given by CBSE. The notes are given in simple language, and students can easily understand the solutions to score good marks in the CBSE Class 8 Science Exam.