NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Friction in Hindi PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Hindi Chapter 12 Friction
1. Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes.
Objects travelling through fluids encounter friction from the fluid, which slows them down. To decrease fluid friction, things moving through fluids must have special forms called streamlined shapes. A material that begins to flow when an external force is applied is called a fluid. When moving in a fluid, things must have a streamlined form that resists the motion of other objects in the liquid by decreasing the current. Because the drag force or friction force is dependent on the form of moving objects in fluid, they must have specific shapes. As a result, unique forms are created to reduce the opposing frictional force. To learn more about frictional force in-depth, visit Vedantu.
2. Explain why the sliding friction is less than the static friction.
Friction between the two surfaces is caused by the imperfections of the two surfaces interacting. Contact points do not have enough time to fully interlock while sliding in the case of sliding friction. As a result, there is less friction. When the item is at rest, however, the surfaces interlock well, resulting in increased friction. It's for this reason that sliding friction is lower than static friction.
3. When does static friction come into play?
When the body is at rest or has a propensity to move, static friction exists, and when the body is in motion, kinetic friction exists, which can either resist or promote the motion depending on the circumstances. Frictional forces act in the opposite direction as the applied force on the item. When an item at rest is moved relative to another surface, static friction occurs. Because it is more difficult to move an item from rest than it is to increase the speed of a moving object, static friction is generally the most significant.
4. What is rolling friction?
The resistance to an item's motion when it rolls over the surface of another object is known as rolling friction. It is always simpler to roll a thing over another object than it is to slide an object over another object. As a result, rolling friction is far lower than sliding friction. It is also lower than static friction which makes it the type of friction that has the least magnitude. To avail more solutions and notes on rolling friction, visit Vedantu.
5. How to create a study schedule for Class 8 Science Chapter 12?
Chapter 12 can be difficult for some and is important as the concepts will continue in higher class too. Therefore, you must establish a good study habit by studying, rewriting, and revisiting the sections that you find difficult. Furthermore, because you are unfamiliar with numerical problems in the chapter, you should begin practising them as soon as you have grasped the ideas and formulas in that subject. The equations and procedures in the NCERT textbook should also be written down. Prepare each question properly and you will be able to ace your exams.