NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum in Hindi PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Hindi Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum
1. Explain the process of formation of petroleum.
Petroleum is a fossil fuel that is formed by living organisms available in the sea. As these organisms die, their bodies are generally settled at the bottom of the sea while later get covered with multiple layers of clay and sand. Due to the absence of air, increase in temperature, and high pressure, the dead organisms in the sea turn into petroleum and natural gas. This process generally takes millions of years to form.
2. Describe how coal is formed from dead vegetation. What is this process called?
The remains of all dead plants have been buried under the earth millions of years ago. With intense pressure and heat under the earth, under this condition, these remains eventually get converted to coal. Coal is formed from dead vegetation with the process of converting dead vegetation into carbon with destructive distillation. This process is known as carbonization. This process is very slow and takes millions of years to form.
3. How many chapters are there in Class 8 Science?
In Class 8 Science, there are 18 chapters available. Each chapter in the Syllabus has various activities and exercises that the students can complete to understand the chapter better. All these concepts can be found in the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science. There are even important questions provided at the end of each chapter from the examination point of view. All the chapters are explained in an easy-going language, making it easier for the student to understand the chapters.
4. Which is the most important chapter in Class 8 Science?
Class 8 Science has many important chapters from an examination point of view. Some of the most important chapters include Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management, Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum, Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame, Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals, Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence, and Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water. Students will be able to be well-versed with such concepts only through revision.
5. What are natural resources?
Natural Resources are those resources that can be drawn from Nature. These resources are drawn without using much modification. Natural resources include the air we breathe, the soils we use, the water we have in our lives, and all the other minerals that we use. Other natural resources include coal, natural gas, stone, oil, and others. Many of these natural resources can be used directly. These resources are used to support life and meet the needs of the people.