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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Chapter 6 - Natural Vegetation And Wildlife

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 - Natural Vegetation and Wildlife - Free PDF Download

NCERT solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 offered by Vedantu consists of a chapter dedicated to the national heritage that belongs to every Indian; our forests and other natural forms of vegetation like Grasslands and Shrubs. Upon closer examination of the NCERT solutions for Class 7th SST Geography Chapter 6; one can infer that forests are typically split into multiple types: Temperate Evergreen Forests, Tropical Evergreen forests, Temperate Deciduous Forests, Tropical Deciduous Forests, Meditteranean Vegetation and Coniferous Forests. Every NCERT Solution is provided to make the study simple and interesting on Vedantu. Subjects like Science, Maths, English will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 7 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions for Class 7


Class 7 Social Science

Subject Part:

Social Science - Our Environment (Geography)

Chapter Name:

Chapter 6 - Natural Vegetation And Wildlife


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Important Topics Covered in Chapter 6 - Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Important Topics of NCERT Class 7 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 6 Our Environment are given below.

  • Natural Classification of Vegetation

  • Tropical Evergreen Forests

  • Tropical Deciduous Forests

  • Temperate Evergreen Forests

  • Temperate Deciduous Forests

  • Coniferous Forests

  • Categories of Natural Vegetation

  • Mediterranean Vegetation

  • Tropical Grasslands

  • Temperate Grasslands

  • Uses of Coniferous Forest

  • Thorny Bushes

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 – Free PDF Download

1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Which are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends?

(ii) Which are the three broad categories of natural vegetation?

(iii) Name the two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forest.

(iv) In which part of the world tropical deciduous forest is found?

(v) In which climatic conditions are citrus fruits cultivated?

(vi) Mention the use of coniferous forest.

(vii) In which part of the world is seasonal grassland found? 


(i) Temperature and moisture are the most important factors in vegetation growth.

(ii) Natural vegetation is divided into three categories:


  1. Forests


  1. Grasslands

Thorny shrubs

  1. Thorny shrubs

(iii) Rosewood and Ebony are two hardwood trees found in tropical evergreen forests.

(iv) Deciduous forests can be found in most parts of India, northern Australia, and Central America.

(v) Hot and dry summers and mild rainy winters are ideal for citrus fruit farming.

(vi) The following are some of the uses of coniferous forests: 

  1. Wood is used to produce pulp, which is used to make paper, newsprint, and cardboard.

  2. To create matchboxes

  3. For the construction of decorative items

  4. To construct a packing box

  5. Particle board and plywood are also made in this way.

(vii) Seasonal grassland can be found in the continents' interiors and mid-latitudinal zones.

2. Tick the correct answer.

(i) Mosses and lichens are found in: 

  1. Decorative vegetation

  2. Tropical evergreen forest

  3. Tundra vegetation

(ii) Thorny bushes are found in: 

  1. Hot and humid tropical climate

  2. Hot and dry desert climate

  3. Cold polar climate

(iii) In tropical evergreen forest, one of the common animals is: 

  1. Monkey

  2. Giraffe

  3. Camel

(iv) One important variety of coniferous forest is: 

  1. Rosewood

  2. Pine

  3. Teak

(v) Steppe grassland is found in: 

  1. South Africa

  2. Australia

  3. Russia


  1. (c) Tundra vegetation

  2. (b) Hot and dry desert climate

  3. (a) Monkey

  4. (b) Pine

  5. (c) Russia

3. Match the following.

(i) Walrus 

(a) Soft wood tree 

(ii) Cedar 

(b) An animal of tropical deciduous forest 

(iii) Olives 

(c) A polar animal 

(iv) Elephants 

(d) Temperate grassland in Australia 

(v) Campos 

(e) A citrus fruit 

(vi) Downs 

(f) Tropical grassland of Brazil

Ans: (i)-(c); (ii)-(a); (iii)-(e); (iv)-(b); (v)-(f); (vi)-(d)

4. Give reasons. 

(i) The animals in polar region have thick fur and thick skin. 

Ans: To protect themselves from the extreme climatic conditions, animals in the polar zone have thick fur and skin.

(ii) Tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in the dry season.

Ans: During the dry season, tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves to conserve water and survive under tough weather conditions.

(iii) The type and thickness of vegetation changes from place to place.

Ans: Because of differences in temperature, moisture, elevation, rainfall, and soil thickness, the type and thickness of vegetation varies from place to place.

5. For fun. 

  1. Collect pictures and photographs of forests and grasslands of different parts of world. Write one sentence below each picture. 

  2. Make a collage of rainforest, grassland and coniferous forests. 


Forests and Grasslands


Tropical Evergreen

Tropical Evergreen Forests:

Tropical rain forests are another name for these types of forests. These dense woodlands can be found near the equator and near the tropics. Rosewood, Ebony, and Mahogany are among the trees found here.

Tropical Deciduous

Tropical Deciduous Forests:

Monsoon forests can be found in extensive parts of India, northern Australia, and Central America, and are classified as tropical deciduous forests. Seasonal changes occur in certain areas. Teak, Neem and Shisham are some of the trees found in these forests.

Temperate Evergreen

Temperate Evergreen Forests

The temperate evergreen forests are found in the coastal region's mid-latitudinal zone. They are usually found along the continents' eastern edges. Oak and pine trees can be found here.

Temperate Deciduous

Temperate Deciduous Forests:

There are more temperate deciduous forests as we move to higher latitudes. These can be found in the northeastern United States, China, New Zealand, Chile, and western European coastal regions. During the dry season, they drop their leaves. Oak, Ash, and Beech are some of the trees that may be found here.



These can be found on both sides of the equator and reach all the way to the tropics. These plants can be found in locations with moderate to low rainfall.

Coniferous Forests

Coniferous Forests

The beautiful Coniferous woods of the Northern Hemisphere can be found at higher latitudes (500-700). Taiga is another name for these. These forests can also be found at greater elevations. Important tree species found here include Chir, Pine, and Cedar.

In Text Questions

1. Now can you tell why Salima saw changes in the natural vegetation as she climbed higher and higher? What type of vegetation did she see in the Himalayas starting with the foothills and going to the higher altitudes?

Ans: As Salima went higher and higher, she noticed variations in the natural vegetation due to changes in altitude and related climatic factors such as temperature, precipitation, low air density, and soil form. Salima noticed thick jungles of Sal and Teak in the hillsides. On the mountain slopes, she could see coniferous trees such as Pines as she climbed higher. She also discovered an area covered with short grass and snow at higher elevations.

NCERT Class 7 Social Science Our Environment Chapterwise Solutions


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Books Available for

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 - Free PDF Download

However, the information doesn’t end there; the NCERT solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 natural vegetation and wildlife also contain the following information on the grasslands. Grasslands are also split into types, like Thorny bushes, Tropical grasslands, and Temperate grasslands, just to name a few.

The PDF consists of some of the common questions used to test your knowledge; the capacity to answer these will prove a student’s understanding and proficiency with the topic. The NCERT solutions for Class 7th SST Geography Chapter 6 are available at the main website of Vedantu for students to download for free and use it to study for examinations.

NCERT Solutions of Class 7th Social Science Geography Chapter 6 – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife:


This chapter is assigned to teaching you the factors that allow new forests to form and old forests to sustain themselves. While you always need trees for a forest, what you need more than those are temperature, moisture, and most of all: Soil. The type of soil and its thickness also plays a major role in how well plants can grow. You will also find that this chapter teaches you more about the different types of forests, grasslands, and their requirements.

These NCERT solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 natural vegetation and wildlife crafted by expert teachers at Vedantu, allows you to recall key elements in the chapter you will need to review. Your primary focus will be to recall your study of forests in this chapter. In the exams, you should recall the following forests and their water needs:

  • Tropical Evergreen Forests.

  • Tropical Deciduous forests.

  • Temperate Evergreen forests.

  • Temperate Deciduous Forests.

  • Mediterranean Vegetation.

  • Coniferous Forests.

You will also find that you will learn of the following grasslands and the part they play in the larger ecosystem:

  • Tropical Grasslands.

  • Temperate Grasslands.

  • Thorny Bushes.

Apart from these, you will also learn of shrubs.


The exercise consists of four segments.

  1. Answer the following (7 questions).

  2. Tick the correct answer (5 questions, 3 choices each).

  3. Match the following (six options on one side, seven on the other).

  4. Give reasons (3 questions).

These NCERT Solutions of Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 are designed to help you successfully grasp the subject. Practising these exercises after studying the chapter will be a very good way to ensure you have thoroughly prepared for questions from this chapter.

Important Points to Remember

Some important points related to NCERT Class 7 Social Science (Geography) - Our Environment Chapter-6 are as follows.

  • Generally, natural vegetation is classified into three broad categories. These categories are forest, grassland and shrubs.

(a) Forests: Forest is developed in an environment where temperature and rainfall are plentiful to support tree cover. 

(b) Grasslands: Grasslands grow in the region of moderate rain.

(c) Shrubs: Thorny shrubs and scrubs require the dry region to grow.

  • Tropical Evergreen Forests are also called tropical rainforests. They grow in the hot regions near the equator and close to the tropics where heavy rainfall occurs throughout the year. The common trees of this forest are rosewood, ebony, mahogany, etc.

  • Temperature Evergreen forests are found in the mid latitudinal coastal region. They are commonly located along the eastern margin of the continents, e.g. In South-East Brazil, South China and in the southeast USA.

  • Tropical Deciduous Forests are found in a large part of northern Australia, India and Central America because these regions face seasonal changes throughout the year. They are the monsoon forests. These regions experience seasonal changes.

  • Temperate deciduous forests are usually seen in regions having moist and warm summers and cold winters. The trees in temperate deciduous forests shed their leaves each year.

  • A coniferous forest comprises evergreen trees that bear cones. Elegant pines, spruce, fir, and tamarack grow in this biome. In most of the northern forests, the coniferous trees merge with deciduous trees, particularly aspen, birch, sugar maple, and basswood.

  • The two important factors for the growth of vegetation are temperature and moisture.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6

  • Comprehensive explanations for each exercise and questions, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject.

  • Clear and structured presentation for easy comprehension.

  • Accurate answers aligned with the curriculum, boosting students' confidence in their knowledge.

  • Visual aids like diagrams and illustrations to simplify complex concepts.

  • Additional tips and insights to enhance students' performance.

  • Chapter summaries for quick revision.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 on Natural Vegetation and Wildlife provided by Vedantu are valuable resources for students. These solutions cover essential topics related to the diverse plant and animal life on Earth. A crucial section in this chapter highlights the significance of preserving natural vegetation and wildlife for maintaining ecological balance. Understanding this importance helps students appreciate the delicate interdependence between different species and their environment. By using these solutions, students can enhance their knowledge and grasp the importance of conserving our planet's natural resources for a sustainable and balanced ecosystem.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Chapter 6 - Natural Vegetation And Wildlife

1. What are the Uses of Trees From a Coniferous Forest?

The trees in a coniferous forest (known as softwood evergreen trees) are often best used to make matchboxes or packing boxes. They are primarily pulped and used as a base to make paper and paper-related materials.

2. How Does Moisture Determine the State of Vegetation?

The amount of rainfall decides the size of the vegetation in a given area. Forests require regular rainfall and high volumes of moisture to sustain. Grasslands require a more moderate monsoon, and shrubs are typically more suited to dry, barren regions and can survive in harsh climates.

3. Can students get their doubts cleared by referring to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6?

Yes, students can get their doubts cleared by referring to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 by Vedantu. The solutions are designed by experienced experts. The solutions can be accessed at any time and can also be downloaded for free.  They also offer doubt clearing sessions for the students. They offer a learning experience in the most interactive and interesting manner. 

4. Why should I refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6?

The solutions provided are very precise and in a simplified way. Besides that, the experienced experts in 

Vedantu have done their best to provide the verified solutions that are in accordance with the CBSE Guidelines. These solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 6 have all the answers explained comprehensively to help students ace their exams. 

5. What is natural vegetation and wildlife?

Natural Vegetation refers to the growth of a plant community without the intervention of humans in any way such as providing aids for their growth.  Natural wildlife refers to the animals or organisms that grow or live in the wild area without the introduction of humans in any form. Vedantu provides solutions to all the exercises chapter-wise in a simplified way on their app and the website. 

6. What are the 3 broad categories of natural vegetation?

The three broad categories of natural vegetation are Forests, grasslands and shrubs. These are the wild plants that can grow without the need for humans to intervene. A large variety of life forms such as animals, insects, plants, birds, etc find their home in forests. Grasslands are tall trees or shrubs that have fertile soil. The ones that mainly grow in the desert areas are the shrubs. Vedantu offers solutions and a complete study guide for the students to start their exam preparation. 

7. What are the features of Tropical deciduous forests?

The features of Tropical Deciduous forests are as follows:

  • They are rich in moisture.

  • The leaves that drop off from the tree provide the soil with organic material.

  • During a particular season, these trees stop the process of photosynthesis.

Vedantu offers solutions and a complete study guide for the students. The students can also download the solutions in PDF for their offline references.