NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 14 - How Big How Heavy
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 14 How Big How Heavy
1. How to guess the volume of objects with marbles?
To understand how to guess the volume with marbles, take three marbles and add them to a measuring glass with 10ml water. Drop them in one by one to find the difference in measurement. This difference will help students understand the volume of each individual object.
For example, the volume of a ball is nearly two marbles, an eraser is two marbles, a lemon is three marbles, a pencil is two marbles, and a potato is four marbles.
2. Tanu makes stages with her matchboxes. She puts 14 matchboxes in the first layer. She makes four such layers. How many matchboxes did she use? If the volume of one matchbox is 10 cm cube, what is the volume of the stage?
In this situation, Tanu is first required to determine the measurements of one particular matchbox. Upon finding the length of one matchbox, students will be able to find the length of 14 matchboxes arranged in a row. If Tanu finds out the measurement of the stage created, she will also be able to determine the number of matchboxes that have been used.
With information on all measurements, finding out volume of the entire stage that has been constructed should be easy. Solving such practice problems will help develop the logical perception of a student.
3. How do students measure the length, breadth and height of a cube?
For finding the length, breadth and height of a cube, students are required to first understand the volume. Multiplication of these three sides forms the volume of a cube. With the help of other formulas mentioned in this chapter, students will be able to determine a cube’s three aspects.
If volume of a cube has already been provided, then determining these measurements should be simple and easy. There are various other such equations present in this segment that students are required to solve if they want to score well in examinations.
4. How difficult is the chapter ‘How Big? How Heavy?’?
There is always a fear of the unknown. To see how difficult or easy the chapter is, you need to go through the chapter yourself. Be a little curious to find out the answers yourself. This single quality of being inquisitive will help you not only in your mathematics but also in other subjects and even in your life. Skim through the chapter once. If you can apply the concepts you have learned, you will find it easy and if not, then work on your basics and you will soon find the chapter easy enough.
5. Is Chapter 14 of the Class 5 Maths textbook important?
All the chapters in your Mathematics textbook are important and have weightage. The concepts that you come across will feature in the exam in a variety of questions. The main concern during the exam will not be how well you crammed up the concept, but how well you can apply the basics that you know. The chapter provides you with several examples and questions of different types where you can apply your knowledge to test precisely how well you understood the concept. For this very reason, the chapter holds importance.
6. Can I do Chapter 14 of the Class 5 Maths textbook on my own?
The pandemic has disrupted every single aspect of our life. It has taken a very high toll on the education and education system. During online classes, the explanation by the teacher matters. Equally important is the element of self-study. The chapter is full of examples and exercises that you can attempt yourself and evaluate your performance. The chapter contains theories and an ample number of examples to enable you to study the chapter all by yourself. Studying yourself will lead to confidence and significantly boost your preparation.
7. How many examples or questions should I practice from Chapter 14 of Class 5 Maths textbook?
No one on the internet or otherwise can tell you the exact number of examples and questions that you must practice to solidify your understanding or score better marks in the exam. In Mathematics, the only factors that play important roles are your understanding of the question and the practice of several types of questions. So, once you have understood a particular topic, attempt as many questions as possible of different types.
8. Which website provides good quality solutions for Chapter 14 of Class 5 Maths textbook?
After you have understood the basics, you must practice questions to test your understanding and apply the concepts you have learned. In the solutions, what is crucial is the answer that you have got and the steps you used to reach the particular answer. Both are given separate weightage and need equal importance. The faculty at Vedantu helps you prepare for both aspects. Vedantu’s NCERT solutions are prepared to reach the correct answer keeping in mind the demand of the question. All the steps are included to enable you to get an idea about how to present the solutions in the final exam. The solution PDFs, revision notes or any study material can be downloaded from Vedantu absolutely free of cost.