NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Chapter 3 Poem - Little by Little|Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Chapter 3 Little By Little
Q1. What does a seed need to grow?
Ans: A seed needs water, sunlight, soil, moisture, and fresh air to grow.
Q2. Is the solved NCERT questions PDF available for free?
Ans: Yes, the solved NCERT questions PDF is available for free to download for all students.
Q3. Are these NCERT Solutions beneficial for exam preparation?
Ans: Yes, these NCERT Solutions are highly beneficial for exam preparation. These solutions are prepared by our subject experts in an easy to understand language, so students can prepare this chapter in a shorter time.
Q4. What is the theme of Chapter 3 Class 3 English?
Ans: The poem Little By Little is given in Chapter 3 Class 3 English. The poem is about an apricot seed and how it grows little by little every day. The poet talks about how an apricot seed grows every day and becomes an Oak Tree. With the help of these NCERT solutions, students can prepare for their exams. Since these solutions are prepared by the subject experts, students can clarify their doubts. Download the important questions pdf at the Vedantu Website or the app for free of cost.
Q5. Name the tree that Apricot grows into.
Ans: The Apricot seed grows into a huge Oaktree. Vedantu provides a brief summary of the poem Little by Little to offer a thorough understanding of the poem. Visit the page NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English to understand and learn the poem. Students can practise the important questions designed by the experts at Vedantu to get well versed in this chapter. Download these solutions on the Vedantu website or the app for free of cost to prepare for the exams. These questions will help the students to secure a perfect score in the exams.
Q6. Which is the best study material for Class 3 Chapter 3 English?
Ans: The NCERT answers given on Vedantu are the best study tools for Class 3 Chapter 3 English. Because they follow the CBSE framework, students will find it easier to comprehend the question pattern and prepare for their examinations. Vedantu's subject matter specialists developed these NCERT Answers for Class 3 Chapter 3 English. Visit the website ( or download the Vedantu Mobile app to get the NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English PDF for free.
Q7. What is the message conveyed in the poem?
Ans: The poem talks about the importance of how even the tiniest effort you put into some work, can later help you achieve great things in life. The poet conveys the message that growing, evolving, learning little by little every day will one day help one be a better person in life. Go through the NCERT Solution for Class 3 English solutions PDF for a better understanding of the poem.
Q8. Where can I get NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Chapter 3 English?
Ans: NCERT answers are the most efficient test preparation study materials available. Vedantu offers NCERT answers written by experts for students' benefit. Visit the Vedantu website to acquire the NCERT Solutions for Class 3, Chapter 3 English ( The solution PDFs are available for free download from the website and the Vedantu mobile app.