Essay on Tsunami
Tsunami is a combination of two Japanese words--- Tsu, meaning harbor and nami meaning wave. A rapid displacement of a large mass of water creates Tsunami and this displacement is caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruptions, landslides or giant meteor in the ocean. Most people may have got familiarized with this term in recent times especially after the devastation and destruction by the most powerful earthquake that had struck under Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004. It had claimed more than two lakhs of peoples’ lives but Tsunamis have existed since ages.
What is a Tsunami?
A Tsunami is one of the most natural calamities caused underneath the ocean that can create havoc and have serious implications like washing out the entire city, taking years to recuperate and restore human civilization.
A Tsunami is a series of ocean waves caused by an underwater earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, rapid changes in atmospheric pressure, or a meteorite.
Below are Some Facts on Tsunami
Tsunami is also commonly known as seismic waves.
Tsunami mostly occurs in the Pacific Ocean’s Ring of Fire
The most powerful Tsunami till date occurred in the Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004.
The Tsunami that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004 had a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale killing over 200000 people in fourteen countries.
5. Countries like Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Africa were severely affected by the Indian Ocean Tsunami.
This natural calamity is very common in Japan.
The speed of Tsunami is normally 500-800 kilometers per hour.
The height of the Tsunami waves in the Indian Ocean were 30 feet and above.
In the year 1700, a Tsunami of magnitude 9 occurred in the Pacific Ocean.
Tsunamis can travel as fast as 5000 miles per hour without getting noticed. It can go across the entire ocean in less than a day.
Tsunamis are only one to three feet in height in deep oceans so people may not even be aware of the occurrence of Tsunami underwater.
A mega Tsunami with huge waves had occurred in Alaska in 1958 killing only two people.
Scientists believe that 3.5 billion years ago, Tsunami had occurred on Earth due to a meteorite.
Places like Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, Alaska and California are at a very high risk of Tsunami.
Tsunamis are tidal waves that approach land violently at a tremendous speed and the speed and heights of the waves cause havoc and devastation.
It is difficult to detect an approaching Tsunami. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO has started working on a warning system so that next time people can be alerted about the approach of Tsunami. Many nations have advocated the creation of a unified Global Tsunami Warning System.
Preventive Measures to be Taken by Man to Stop Tsunamis.
The effects of a Tsunami can be mitigated by natural factors. Plant tree covers on the shoreline of the oceans to check the surge of the tidal waves. Palm trees with long trucks and mangroves should be planted along the shore. Coral reefs provide natural protection to the coastal areas. Man should not destroy them for their selfish means.
Natural calamities have occurred and will keep happening. There is no way to stop these calamities but measures can be taken to lessen their impact and to blunt their teeth so that they do not be the harbingers of unprecedented devastation and destruction. Advanced technology would help man in measuring the moods of nature. Man who has conquered the forces of nature for their selfish reasons has to feel the brunt of these natural calamities helplessly if they don’t mend their ways.
FAQs on Tsunami Essay for Students in English
1. What is a Tsunami?
A Tsunami is a natural calamity that occurs underneath the ocean created by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, rapid changes in the atmospheric pressure and meteorites.
2. Which was the most powerful Tsunami that has occurred till date?
Tsunami that occurred in Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004 was the most powerful one till date.
3. In which ocean does Tsunami mostly occur?
Tsunami mostly occur in the Pacific Ocean’s Ring of Fire.
4. Which places in the world are at a higher risk of Tsunami?
Places like Washington, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Alaska are at a very high risk of Tsunami.