Importance of Rural Development
As the topic suggests, rural development in India is the overall progress in the economic and social conditions of Indians residing in rural areas. It is not an objective but a constant process in itself. As a result, this process actively contributes to the economic growth of a rural region and the country as a whole. Conversely, the economic development in an area leads to rural development.
Therefore, the objectives of rural development include providing opportunities for earning a respectable livelihood. Consequently, the rural population will be able to relieve themselves of poverty and economic backwardness. The policy-makers in India attempt to introduce modern education, health standards, and land reforms to offer the rural inhabitants a standard of living.
What is Rural Development in India?
With the passage of several decades since independence, the Indian government has stressed the need for rural development in India.
The task for You: Find out how rural development fuels the overall economic growth of India?
To begin with, rural development stands for the increase in income opportunities for people living in rural areas. According to the Population Census of 2011, the percentage of people residing in rural areas is close to 69% of the Indian population.
It roughly translates to about 83.3 crore Indians who are settled in rural areas. Thus, rural development also includes the measures implemented by government bodies to curb the poverty rate in such areas.
As per another report by the Government of India, the percentage of the Indian population that was situated Below the Poverty Line (BPL) in 2011-2012 amounted to 21.9%. Needless to say, people affected by rural poverty contribute to a large chunk of the percentage. Therefore, the development of rural areas in terms of economy and viability of professional options is much needed. Through this progress, a sizable portion of the Indian population will find themselves out of the BPL group.
The task for You: Are the markers of rural development and urban development the same?
What is Required?
As a result, the rural population requires long-lasting reforms and consistent projects on rural development in India in sectors such as agriculture, education, and health. With necessary steps and measures, it is thus possible to introduce development in rural landmasses that will stand the test of time.
However, before all this, it becomes important to determine which areas fall under rural India. With this focused study, it becomes easier to point out the areas which need development in every aspect of economic and non-economic activities.
What are Rural Areas?
Besides the obvious definition, there is a lot more to know about exactly which areas stand for rural India. By knowing the rural area's meaning, students will be able to distinguish between economic activities occurring in distinct geographical areas.
As per the Planning Commission of India (PCI), rural meaning refers to the geographical area where the maximum population of Indians is 15,000. In addition, it can also be an area where the population density remains 400 people per square kilometer. Therefore, these areas are usually placed within the spectrum of Tier 3 to Tier 6 cities.
As far as governing bodies are concerned, rural areas are equipped with panchayats that act as local decision-making entities. Therefore, a rural area lacks a municipal board. Simply speaking, rural areas include the countryside and villages that we commonly encounter.
Moreover, the importance of rural development lies in the fact that the government aims to increase rural expenditure. Therefore, the objectives of rural progress involve boosting the contribution of rural expenditure to the total national monthly expenditure from the current 55%.
What are the Objectives of Rural Development in India?
With the concept of rural development explained, let’s move on to what rural development aims to achieve. First of all, decision-making entities ensure positive durable changes to boost the economy of a rural area. As a result, dedicated areas will witness a long-lasting growth pattern that is likely to reduce poverty rates.
However, the primary objectives of rural development include the following –
To promote economic growth among the rural population through adequate access to food, shelter, clothing, education, and employment. With proper opportunities proportional to the same in urban areas, individuals residing in rural areas will be able to get a level ground for income options.
To introduce modern techniques for agriculture in rural areas to contribute to an increased productivity rate. As a result, the role of rural development is to establish sustainable and affordable technology to increase production in a national market.
To ensure consistent rural infrastructure development in India. In addition, this process should involve all local rural populations. Consequently, they will gain the agency to make large-scale economic decisions that lead to area-based financial development.
To bridge the gap between local governing bodies and the Central administration for better economic communication. On top of that, rural development aims to provide executive powers to panchayats for carrying on the policies framed by experts.
Finally, the objective of rural development is to use natural resources within a territory to ensure maximum economic benefit for inhabitants. This also includes important land reform measures to boost the agricultural output and productivity of every individual involved.
Now that we know what the concept of rural development in India aims to achieve, let’s progress to the elements that impact rural growth.
What are the Factors that Affect Rural Development in India?
Multiple factors contribute to the urban development of India. However, in-depth knowledge of knowledge and knowledge development will certainly help students understand the ingredients of rural progress.
As a result, they will be able to pinpoint the nature of factors that have a direct impact on rural development.
Therefore, factors affecting the rural development in India are duly stated below –
Infrastructure – The infrastructural condition of a rural area has a direct link with its scale of development. Primarily, infrastructure consists of pucca roads, a consistent supply of electricity, and availability of transport.
With these factors, governing bodies have been able to reduce connectivity issues related to these areas. As a result, there has been an increase in the efficiency of the supply of agricultural output to mainland markets all over India. Therefore the opportunity of income increases among the rural residents.
Education – It is quite obvious that the level of education plays an integral role in the overall progress of rural areas. First of all, education introduces one to new and innovative ideas to improve his/her social condition. Educating the rural population at an early age ensures that there is no discrimination between the urban and rural populations. Therefore, they are open to countless employment opportunities from multiple sectors and industries.
Healthcare – Needless to say, healthcare is an important part of rural development in India. The rural population is often susceptible to diseases that can be avoided with proper healthcare measures. Besides, this contributes directly to their productivity.
As a result, they will be able to participate in healthy competitions in the market. Proper healthcare systems also reduce the mortality rate, thus ensuring a healthy and meaningful life.
Technology – The role of technology in rural development is indisputable. First of all, modern production techniques in various sectors can actively increase their rate of production, which allows for a remarkable rise in the scale of economic activities in rural areas. On the other hand, the technology significantly reduces irrigation and quality issues. Therefore, the presence of appropriate technological means such as pumps, tractors is the make-or-break factor of rural development.
In addition, access to clean drinkable water and sanitation is a must for the development of rural areas. In this way, rural residents will be able to benefit from equal income opportunities and sustainable healthcare services.
How to Ensure the Rural Development of India?
The Government of India has launched multiple projects on rural development in India over the decades. The keys to sustainable rural development in terms of economic situation include the following –
Proper presence of advanced facilities for irrigation to all land types in India. As a result, farmers can boost their agricultural output and create economic opportunities for themselves.
Credit facilities on access to the necessary ingredients of farming such as fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds. Subsidies on electricity used for farming purposes ensure that the rural population saves more than it spends.
Combat with social inequalities and discrimination in rural areas to create a sense of unity. This sense of social unity will lead to the formation of an economic class whose aim is to boost production and ensure rural development.
Make sure that there are adequate training sessions for farmers to equip them with modern agricultural measures. Besides, farmers should also be aware of agricultural policies, land reforms, and market prices for the best use of their resources.
In addition, any improvement in current agricultural markets also makes sure that they can accommodate the economic contribution of the rural population. In these ways, one can ensure a sustainable growth curve and desirable rural development of India.
For an in-depth insight into the factors that determine rural progress in India, go through the study materials available on our website. You can also install the Vedantu app to help you with your classes.
Scope of Rural Development
Since times immemorial India has been continuing to be and will remain in the future land of village communities. That is why Mahatma Gandhi rightly stated that" India lives in villages"If the village Perishes India will too Perish. Most of the people in India live in rural areas and any strategy of social-economic development in India that neglects rural people and rural areas cannot be successful. It is a sine -qua -non of the development of India.
Rural development is a result of interchanges between various physical, technical, economic, social, cultural, and institutional factors. Rural development is continuously designed to improve the economic and social well-being of rural people.
Contents of Rural Development
1.1 Scope of rural development
1.2 Rural demography
1.3 Rural unemployment
1.4 Rural credit and indebtedness
1.5 Rural industrialization
1.6 Rural development programs
1.7. Institution for rural development
1.8 Rural migration
1.9 Rural labor.
Strategy and Approaches to Rural Development
The multipurpose method
The minimum package method
The target group approach
The area development approach
Integrated rural development approach.
In the rural economy of India, there are broadly two sectors namely
Agricultural sector
Nonagricultural sector
Rural development means the development of agriculture and rural nonagricultural sectors. that sector are divided into some sub-sectors as shown in the following table.
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Programs for Fastest-Growing Rural Development
The Indian government has launched extensive programs for rural development areas. Below is the list of the development programs which are carried out by the government for the upliftment of the weaker section,s in rural areas:
Rural works program
Marginal farmers and agricultural laborers Development Agency
Small farmers Development Agency
Integrated dryland Agricultural Development
Agro services centers
Area development schemes
Crash program for employment food for work program
Pilot intensive Rural Employment
Projects minimum needs programs
Common area development
Desert development program
Drought-prone area program
Integrated rural development program
National Rural Employment program
Training rural youth for self-employment rural and less employment guarantee program
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
Indira Mahila Yojana
Indira Awas Yojana
Rural area council for Advancement of people's action and rural technology
Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana
Modernization of Agricultural Green Revolution
Development of Agriculture High-value
Credit banking cooperative societies
Land Reforms promotion of rural industrialization
Integrated rural energy program
Social development programs
Dryland and rainfed farming
Watershed development program
Horticulture development
Capital development
Dairy development
Operation Flood fisheries and development.
FAQs on Rural Development in India: Challenges and Progress
1. Why is India still considered as a rural economy?
The people residing in rural areas have so many problems. The basic problem is that they depend only on agriculture and its allied activities for their living. Agriculture is subsistence in nature. They have other problems like, they are not well educated. so because of lack of education, they are unaware of facts which leads them to poverty.
2. What is the development of an economy?
Development of the economy is a very comprehended term .it not only includes development in one area but it is overall development in all existing areas of an economy. It might be development in per capita income of a country, the standard of living, reduction of poverty, availability of services to removing inequalities between poor and rich, economic establishment, etc. All these factors together comprise the development.
3. How India is converting to a developed country from a developing one?
India is an emerging and developing country among the Asian nations. It is the world's largest democracy, and one of the world's fastest-growing economies. The main reason for classifying India as a developing economy is a lower per capita income and lack of modern infrastructure and technology. If India wants to transform itself into a developed nation following areas should be developed.
Increase in per capita income.
Increasing literacy rate,
Raising the standard of living,
Increase in employment rate and most important some strict rules for the increasing population.
4. What are some of the institutional drawbacks in Indian agriculture?
Indian agriculture is not advanced as it involves outdated techniques of farming. The farmers are poor and they don't have enough money to do commercial cropping. So we need to involve the small and marginal farmers and the landless labor in arising benefits of gained agricultural exports through merged co-operatives. The present credit system is very weak as the farmer's use of money is not appropriate as they use this money for their personal uses rather than for agriculture.
We also need to make efforts to develop new technologies for the farming sector and make them available for small farmers so that they may diversify their production towards high-value commercial and export commodities.
5. What is Rural Development?
Rural development refers to the economic and social progress in the lives of people residing in rural areas. This also includes providing equal opportunities for income and respectable livelihood to the rural population.
6. What is the importance of Rural Development?
Rural development is important in every country because it reduces economic discrimination and provides financial opportunities to individuals. Through these opportunities, the rural population can alleviate their poverty.