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NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology


Class 11 NCERT Books for Biology - Free PDF Download

NCERT is an autonomous organization that is responsible for publishing textbooks related to the CBSE board for students and schools across the nation. The NCERT books for Class 11 Biology are extensively used for preparing for the CBSE exams in addition to preparing for other competitive exams as well.

NCERT Biology Book Class 11 PDF Free Download will prove you wrong by presenting important concepts in an easily understandable way. Answering the questions appended to the Chapters provides an indication of the questioning patterns in the Class 11 CBSE Biology exams, thus ensuring that students get an up-to-date revision and a quick refresher of key concepts. You can get the Class 11 Biology NCERT Book for Free PDF download by visiting Vedantu

Chapter wise NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology

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Class 11 Biology NCERT Books

Biology is the study of life and all living organisms. Think anatomy, morphology, physiology and anything that relates to understanding and analysing the structure and functioning of life-forms on our planet. Besides being of vast importance to health and medicine, you need Biology in your subject-repertoire if you aspire to become a doctor or opt for careers related to this subject. Our CBSE NCERT Class 11 Biology Book Free PDF download will prepare you to tackle your CBSE Class 11 Biology exams with confidence.

It is well known that the questions papers for the internal and external exams are complied using the material available in NCERT books, as it is a government-certified body. Studying these books in addition to the prescribed school books gives the student an overview of the complete CBSE syllabus an the concepts which are most likely to be tested in the examinations. Below given are the chapter wise details of NCERT Class 11 Biology.

Chapter 1 – The Living World

This chapter covers the science of living forms and processes. We understand the meaning of living and its characteristics such as reproduction, metabolism, consciousness, and features of life forms. It also explains the diversity in the living world as we live in biodiversity world. It is important for students to understand the term ‘Taxonomic Categories’ that classifies all the living bodies in various groups. Some examples that we study in this chapter are family, species, genus, class, kingdom and many more are covered in a very clear manner. Further, topics like Herbarium, Botanical garden, Museums, and Zoological parks are explained in depth in this chapter. There are 11 questions by the end of this chapter. 

Chapter 2 – Biological Classification

In this chapter, we deeply understand the overall Biological classification in the world. It focuses on the five kingdoms; Animalia, Monera, Protista, Fungi, and Plantae systems. All these kingdoms are explained and covered in a proper manner along with their characteristics, and types for students to have a much better understanding of these topics. More topics like Viroids, Viruses, and Liches are also explained in this chapter. There are 12 questions for the students to do in this chapter. 

Chapter 3 – Plant Kingdom

In this chapter, we understand the classification inside the Kingdom Plantae in-detail which is also called as the ‘Plant Kingdom.’ The concepts of the plant kingdom change with time, so it is important to stay up to date. Now, members Fungi, Monera, and Protista don’t fall under the plant kingdom. This chapter deals with topics like Algae with its various types and characteristics, Bryophytes and its types, Gymnosperms, Pteridophytes, and Angiosperms. We also learn about different life cycles in plants and alternation of Generations. There are 12 questions including match the following, differentiate between, and explain briefly in this chapter. 

Chapter 4 – Animal Kingdom

This chapter deals with the complete topics related to animal kingdom including different animals, their structures, characteristics, and forms. It starts with the classification of the animals which is very important to understand, and then we move on to different levels of organizations in the animal kingdom. The various classes of animals are properly discussed in this chapter for a much better understanding. This chapter has 15 questions for students to test their knowledge grasped by this chapter. 

Chapter 5 – Morphology Of Flowering Plants

This chapter covers the standard technical terms and definitions regarding the plant kingdom. We get a better understanding of contrasts in different parts of the plants. The prime topics such as root, leaf, stem, flower, fruit, seed, and inflorescence are covered in this chapter along with their types, modifications, structures in a very clear manner. Furthermore, the chapter talks about Semi-technical description of a Typical Flowering Plant and description of a few important Families. This chapter includes 15 questions for students to learn during their examinations.


Chapter 6 – Anatomy Of Flowering Plants

After studying the outer structure through the morphology of the massive living organism, both animals and plants it is time to get familiar with the internal structures as well. This chapter talks about the internal structures of living forms which help students to find similarities and differences. It covers topics like tissues, its types, and various tissue systems. It further tells about their detailed pieces of information regarding the roots, leaves, and stems. Lastly, we also get to know about the secondary growth in the roots of various plants. This chapter includes 12 questions including various diagrams. 

Chapter 7 – Structural Organisation In Animals

This chapter covers the complex concept of multicellular animal bodies and functions performed by various groups of cells in an organized way. We all are aware of the fact that the human body is composed of billions of different cells that perform different functions. It deals with the topic of Animal tissues and its types, organ and its systems. We also get familiar with various animals and their classifications such as earthworms, cockroaches, and frogs in a very detailed manner. There are 14 questions including match the following, diagrams, distinguish between in this chapter. 

Chapter 8 – Cell: The Unit Of Life

This chapter talks about the factors that make living organisms that is not present inside inanimate things. We learn deeply about cells in all living beings as we all are composed of billions of cells. A complete theory of cell is explained along with an overview for a better understanding of this topic. Then this chapter further moves on to the modification and various types of cells present inside living organisms. There are 14 questions in this chapter including match the following, MCQ, and diagrams. 

Chapter 9 – Biomolecules

As we all are aware of the broad diversity in living beings in the biosphere, it's time to know what similar and different elements are and compounds make us. The chapter starts with the study of various chemical related composition of animal tissue, plant tissue, or a microbial paste which give a detailed knowledge to the students. The major topics like primary and secondary metabolites, prime concepts of acids and metabolism, formation of proteins, along with in-depth knowledge of bio macromolecules, metabolic foundation of living and Enzymes are covered and explained in a detailed manner for students to have a clear understanding. There are 15 questions by the end of this chapter. 

Chapter 10 – Cell Cycle And Cell Division

This chapter covers the overall concept of a cell in all the living beings in the world. It starts with a cell cycle that talks about various phases of a cell, the importance of meiosis and mitosis as well. In this chapter, we clearly understand the characteristics of cells that are growth and reproduction. It is a very important topic for students to understand in Biology. There are 16 questions including diagrams in this chapter for students to learn during examinations. 

Chapter 11 – Transport In Plants

When we discuss movements of substances, the definition of what kind of movement and what substances are being talked about is important. The essential aspect that requires to be considered is the direction of transport in plants that are discussed in this chapter. The means of transport in plants is explained in a very detailed manner along with the comparison between these different types of transport procedures. Major topics like transpiration and transportation in mineral nutrients, and phloem transport are also explained in this chapter for students to grasp a better understanding of the complete concept of transport in plants. There are 16 questions in this chapter for students to test their knowledge learned. 

Chapter 12 – Mineral Nutrition

The chapter deals with the notion of nutrients in plants (inorganic) including the techniques used in recognising elements that are vital for the development and growth of plants. It covers topics like the methods that are needed to understand the basic essentials of plants, mineral elements, absorption of elements processes, metabolism of nitrogen and soil in a very clear manner for students to understand. This chapter includes 10 questions. 

Chapter 13 – Photosynthesis In Higher Plants

We all know that all most all living beings are dependent on plants for food, but what about plants? How do they get their food? In this chapter, we get familiar with this topic in a very detailed format. We understand through various early experiments that the sunlight is the ultimate source of food for plants and light reaction as well. It also covers the overall concept of photosynthesis in plants, along with photorespiration and major points influencing photosynthesis. There are 9 questions by the end of this chapter for students to revise their concepts. 

Chapter 14 – Respiration In Plants

We are aware of the fact that all living organisms breathe and it is essential for them to breathe, but the question that arises is why? So, this chapter deals with the concept of Respiration and its significance for living beings in the world. The prime topics related to various types of respirations, chemical breakdown of various substances are explained in a very conceptual and detailed manner. It also covers the balance sheet of respiratory system that is helpful for students to understand the concept of respiration. There are 12 questions in this chapter. 

Chapter 15 – Plant Growth And Development

Do you ever wonder how the structures such as stems, flowers, fruits, seeds, roots, and leaves arise in an orderly sequence? This chapter covers the major topics of development and growth of plants in a very clear manner for students to get the hang of this concept. It also covers most of the factors which manage and control such developmental procedures. These factors are intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external) to plants. Topics such as growth in plants along with photoperiodism and Vernalisation are also explained in this chapter. There are 11 questions by the end for students to learn during examinations. 

Chapter 16 – Digestion And Absorption

We all know that food is an essential and basic requirement for all living beings. It holds various prime compounds like proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates. In this chapter, we will understand the complex procedure of digestion and absorption that happens in our body. It explains the digestive system in a very clear manner along with the notion of food digestion. More topics like digested products absorption and disorder of the digestive system are also covered in this chapter. The chapter includes 15 questions with match the following and answer the question briefly. 

Chapter 17 – Breathing And Exchange Of Gases

This chapter covers the complete concept of breathing that is known as respiration. It starts with the topic of respiratory organs that explains how different groups of animals have different breathing processes. It further talks about the human respiratory system along with the breathing procedure and transport of various gases in a very detailed manner. Topics such as disorders in the respiratory system and regulation of respiration are also explained to the students by this chapter. There are 14 questions in this chapter.  

Chapter 18 – Body Fluids And Circulation

This chapter offers a complete knowledge of body fluids and circulation in living organisms. The prime topics like blood are explained with the help of its elements, different groups, and coagulation process as well is explained in a conceptual way. It covers the in-depth notions and concepts of human circulatory system, cardiac activity, and disorder in the circulatory system in a clear manner for students to understand these complex topics. There are 14 questions including match the following, diagrams, and difference between in this chapter.  

Chapter 19 – Excretory Products And Their Elimination

In this chapter, we learn deeply about the concepts of the excretory system in humans that holds several complicated procedures. The major topics such as generation of urine, purpose of tubules, order involved in kidney function, the act of different organs in

Excretion and disarray of excretory systems are explained with detailed information covering all their aspects for students to get a clear understanding. There are 12 questions including fill in the blanks, true and false, match the following by the end of this chapter.


Chapter 20 – Locomotion And Movement

We all know movement is one of the many important features of living organisms. All living beings display a broad range of movements. In this chapter, we get familiar with the term ‘Locomotion’ in a very understandable way. It tells a detailed explanation of the various kinds of movements, muscles, skeletal system, and their disorders along with proper examples that help students to understand these complex topics. This chapter has 12 questions including match the following, true and false and fill in the blanks by the end. 

Chapter 21 – Neural Control And Coordination

This chapter covers various human systems that are essential for us to work and live which makes it an important topic in Biology. It deals with topics like neural system, its functional and structural unit, reflex action, sensory reception and its process in a very conceptual manner for students to understand properly. There are 12 questions including differentiating between, short notes, answer the questions briefly in this chapter. 

Chapter 22 – Chemical Coordination And Integration

This chapter covers a complete concept of hormones in all living beings and physiological functions in the body. The important topics like endocrine hormones and glands, human endocrine concept, and gastrointestinal tract, and hormone action procedure are covered and explained in a detailed manner for students to get a good knowledge of these concepts. There are 9 questions including match the following, fill in the blanks, short notes in this chapter for students to learn.

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Biology in Class 11 is one of the very crucial subjects for students who wish to pursue their career in the Medical and Research-related field. However, at times, memorizing and understanding the concepts of biology can turn out to be a daunting task for the students of Class 11. 

Students must find the right study material in order to make the learning process easier for them. Vedantu has compiled all the important books and other Biology-related material in one place. 

NCERT textbooks have been the primary source for all the students who plan to score exceptionally well in their board exams. This is your go-to book to prepare well for your exams. With its easy language and clear explanation of concepts, it is the first preference among the students. 

Advantages Of Referring To NCERT Book For Biology Class 11

NCERT books can be the best to introduce you to the pattern of CBSE Class 11 exams. Here are other benefits of NCERT books that you should know before actually referring to it. NCERT Textbooks for Biology are extremely easy to access. Students can easily get access to both the offline copies and the online Pdfs of these books. Its easy availability comes from the high demand it holds. For studying Biology, the NCERT textbook is a must to add to your list of books. 

  • Biology involves a good number of terms and definitions. Without understanding the concept in detail, it becomes very tiresome for the students to cram it up. NCERT textbook for Biology breaks down the complex topics into simple points.

  • Although there are a lot of websites that provide material for Biology. In order to score well in board exams, the students must learn the standardized definitions. Definitions included with the NCERT textbooks are short and to-the-point. It fits best with the criteria of answers expected in board exams. Hence, it is recommended by the CBSE itself. 

  • The questions asked during the Class 11 Biology exams might often seem to be twisting or indirect. With NCERT textbooks, students can easily practice the solved exercises that are available at the end of the Chapter. These exercises are very inclusive in terms of different patterns for biology questions. You can also find the solutions for these worksheets on Vedantu. 

  • Biology is an extremely vast subject as compared to the other subjects. Be it a short or a long topic, It holds abundant information on each one of it. This might get confusing for the students in identifying what information to include while learning and what should be marked as relatively unimportant. However, when it comes to referring to the NCERT Textbooks, it is not the case. Unlike many other additional guides, NCERT textbooks contain only important points and information on the topics mentioned in the CBSE syllabus. 

  • In Biology, it becomes very important for the students to support their answers with diagrammatic illustrations. Diagrams are often complicated and might get difficult to draw and label. NCERT textbooks provide clear images of all the diagrams for each topic. Not only are these pictures are coloured but include neat labeling for them.  You can easily find these in the biology textbook available on Vedantu. 

  • Unlink, Physics and chemistry, Biology does not contain complex mathematical problems. However, it requires a practical approach in order to understand the experiments done on the human body. With the help of NCERT Textbooks, students can easily uncover these practical aspects of the Chapter and boost their understanding. 

FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology

1. Are NCERT textbooks for Class 11 Biology useful in the exam preparation?

NCERT textbooks are prepared by the subject experts. Biology is a crucial subject in Class 11. Hence, these experts make sure to keep it as simple and understandable as possible. Keeping in mind the easy language, short points, coloured headings, appropriate formatting, solved exercises and so on, NCERT books can prove to be the best books for preparing for your exams. Not only are the exercises created from an exam point of view but the solutions formed by the experts are created to help students answer correctly in their CBSE exams. You can easily rely on the NCERT textbook for preparing and scoring well in your Biology exam. 

2. What is the best book for the CBSE Class 11 Biology exam?

There are a number of guides and reference books that the students of Class 11 can refer to, for their Biology exam preparation. However, to begin with, NCERT books have proved to be the most useful from the students' personal experience. It will help you in strengthening your knowledge at a basic level. Once the student has gone through all the topics in the NCERT Textbook, they can refer to the other reference guides in order to use whatever knowledge they have gained from the NCERT Textbooks. You can find these NCERT Textbooks on Vedantu. It is available in both offline and online modes. 

3. What all important topics are covered in NCERT Class 11 Chapter 22- Chemical coordination and integration?

The important topics that are covered in Chapter 22 of NCERT Textbook are broadly divided into 4 sections. 

  • Endocrine glands and hormones

  • Human endocrine system

  • Hormones of Heart, kidney and Gastrointestinal effect

  • Mechanism of Hormone action

These topics are explained in detail and highlighted in important terms. To make the text easier to grasp, these sections are further divided into subsections, supported by diagrammatic representations and exercises at the end. 

4. What type of questions are expected from Class 11 Chapter 22 of NCERT Textbook?

Keeping in view the weightage of this Chapter, it's considered an important Chapter for CBSE board exams. The questions expected from this Chapter can be in the form of- Objective type questions, very short answer questions and short answer questions and long answer type questions. The questions are kept simple. The students will find nothing out of the context if they have carefully understood all the concepts mentioned in the NCERT Textbook. You can easily find all the important questions related to Biology Chapter 22 on the website of Vedantu. 

5. Are Objective-type questions important for Class 11 Chapter 22- Chemical Coordination and integration?

According to the revised and latest guidelines as per the CBSE, significant focus has been shifted to make the question paper objective-based. In order to score well on the MCQs, it is important to understand the concepts in detail and analyze the proper reasoning behind them. NCERT textbooks are a perfect fit to score well on this exam pattern. While going through the Chapter, you should keep in mind that the question can be in the MCQ form and avoid any confusion for the last moments. There are a lot of important questions and MCQs available on the website of Vedantu. For NCERT textbooks, you can download the complete PDF for free. It is accessible in both offline and online modes. Do practice objective type questions along with the other exam questions to score well in your board examinations.