Class 8 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals
FAQs on NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals
1. What are the Benefits of Forests?
Forests help mitigate climate change by absorbing greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and functioning as a carbon sink.
They provide oxygen, food, safe drinking water, and medication.
They are essential players in the water cycle because they contribute water to the atmosphere through transpiration.
Forests operate as floodwater sinks, reducing the devastating impacts of flooding. As a result, deforestation increases the landmass' vulnerability to certain natural disasters.
Forest regions have a dense canopy of trees that provide mechanical support to the soil, which helps to prevent soil erosion.
They also provide raw materials for various commercially essential items such as paper, wood, and cloth.
2. What is a Conversation in the Forest?
Forest conservation is growing additional trees and conserving forested regions for future generations' sustainability. Forests are a valuable natural resource that benefits humanity in various ways. However, due to rising deforestation, it is now more important than ever to protect forests worldwide. Deforestation is the irreversible destruction or loss of forests for new agricultural, livestock, and other uses. Shifting cultivation is destroying forests to make room for more agricultural land. You can get all the conversation details in the forest from revision notes for free.
3. What is the Importance of Wildlife Centuries?
The Importance of Wildlife for Centuries are:
The purpose of wildlife sanctuaries is to safeguard endangered species.
Because it is challenging to remove animals from their native habitat regularly, conserving them in their natural habitat is desirable.
In wildlife reserves, endangered animals are closely monitored. If they reproduce and multiply while protected, just a few specimens may be retained for breeding in conservation areas for them to survive.
In wildlife sanctuaries, biologist activities and studies are authorized to learn more about the creatures that live there.
A few sanctuaries take in wounded and abandoned animals, rehabilitate them, and then release them back into the wild.
Endangered animals are protected in wildlife sanctuaries from people and predators.
4. What do you Mean by Biosphere Reserve?
Protected places for conserving plants and animals are known as biosphere reserves. It also helps restore the tribals' traditional way of life in the area. They protect the region's biodiversity. In India, the government has created 18 Biosphere Reserves to safeguard vast tracts of the natural environment. These places have buffer zones that are available for commercial use. Flora and fauna, as well as the people who live in these areas, are all protected. The Man and Biosphere Reserve Program identifies Biosphere Reserves to promote sustainable development. In 1971, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched this initiative.
5. What are the Factors Affecting Migration?
The commencement of migration is influenced by a number of variables.
Climate, natural catastrophes, drought, shelter, food scarcity, and other external factors may force animals to move in search of better living circumstances. The migratory impulse in birds is tightly tied to the cycle of reproductive system growth in the spring. Several species of birds migrate over great distances, migrating north in the spring to nest in the warm climate and then returning to their breeding grounds. Bird migration is the natural seasonal movement of birds between breeding and wintering areas, usually south and north along a flyway. Migratory birds travel long distances in pursuit of the ideal environmental conditions and habitats for feeding, nesting, and rearing their young. The scarcity of food and nesting sites is the primary driver of migration.