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Thickness of plastic cover permissible to use
(a) 50 Microns
(b) 20 Microns
(c) 100 Microns
(d) 10 Microns

Last updated date: 15th May 2024
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Hint:The thickness of plastic bags determines the strength of the plastic. Though the permissible thickness of the plastic cover is high the minimum thickness is almost half of the permissible thickness and below this thickness, it is strictly prohibited.

Complete answer:100 Microns is the thickness of plastic cover permissible for use. The minimum thickness of plastic bags has been increased from 40 microns to 50 microns as the bags have more strength so that they are more durable and so can be reused. Below 50-micron thickness plastic covers has been banned in most of the countries.

Additional information:Plastic is an organic polymer of high molecular mass that is non-biodegradable and thus is a threat to the environment.
1. On average a plastic cover takes 1000 years to decompose completely. Before it breaks down into small pieces that remain embedded in the soil for 1000 years.
2. Plastic remains a threat to the environment as it remains in the soil for years as small bits of pieces which can easily enter the food chain and affect the different organisms and also the soil fertility.
3. The plastic waste management system involves different rules from the government to reduce the effects of plastic on the environment.

Note:According to Plastic waste management and handling rules from 1999 the minimum thickness of plastic cover was of 20 microns, which was then changed to 40 microns and now according to the recent Plastic management and handling rule from 2011 the minimum thickness is increased to 50 microns as the strength of the plastic depends on the thickness and so it is durable can be reused and also it does not easily breakdown into small pieces, thus avoiding its mixing with soil to enter the food chain.
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