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The uppermost layer of the land forms…….

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: The land is mainly divided into three layers – crust, mantle and core. Crust is the outermost layer of the earth. Mantle is in the middle and the core is the innermost. The uppermost layer of the crust is formed by very fine particles which supports the life of the plants and provides habitat to many organisms.

Complete answer:
The uppermost layer of the land forms a layer called soil.
Soil is defined as a mixture of clay, or rocky particles and organic remains of plants and animals. It is responsible for forming the upper layer of surface of earth which means that it covers the land.
Soil mainly consists of five components- mineral matter (45%), soil water (25%), soil air (25%), and soil organic matter and soil microorganisms (5%). Soil is formed by the process called the weathering of rocks. In this process, the larger rock particles are broken down into smaller particles which on undergoing through many natural processes get finally converted into soil.
Different types of soils are present at different places which depend on the climatic conditions of the place and also another regulating factor is the composition of particles which are present, they can be gravel, clay, sand or silt in the soil. The topmost layer is called as humus, it is the most fertile because it contains all those nutrients which are important for the growth of plants. Soil is also responsible for providing shelter to many microorganisms.

Note: Soil is the uppermost layer of land and it consists of different particles. It is formed by the weathering process, it is one of the most important natural resources and the study of soil is called pedology.
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