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The British General who led his force in the Battle of Buxar was
a)Hector Munro
b)Robert Clive
c)Warren Hastings
d)Lord Wellesley

Last updated date: 02nd May 2024
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Hint:The Battle of Buxar was fought in the year 1764 between the forces of the British East India Company and the forces of the Mughal rulers. It was a confrontation fought against the expansionist motives of the East India Company.

Complete answer:
Hector Munro: Sir Hector Munro was the 9th Commander in Chief of India from 1764 to 1765. He led the command in the Battle of Buxar and tactfully organized the forces, leading to a victory against the combined Mughal forces.

Robert Clive: Major General Robert Clive, born in 1725 was the first governor of the Bengal Presidency. (1757-1760). He is accredited with helping the British consolidate their position in the dominion of India. In his tenure, he won the Battle of Plassey.

Warren Hastings: Born in 1732, he is one of the most famous British Governor-Generals in India, he exercised an immense influence over the state of affairs. He held important positions, like Governor-General, Supreme Council head, and Governor.

Lord Wellesley: He assumed the position of the Governor-General in 1798. He made famous the doctrine of Subsidiary and alliance and tried to limit the French power as much as he could by gaining more control in the Indian Subcontinent.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Note:The periods of the battles are important to determine the leadership during the time. The battle of Buxar resulted in the British gaining more access to the Indian subcontinent, and they showed the weaknesses of the declining powers of the Mughal empires.