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How is representative democracy significant in the contemporary world?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 369.6k
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Hint: The most prevalent form of democracy that is practiced today is a representative democracy. Representative democracy, as opposed to a direct democracy where citizens directly rule, involves elected officials that represent a community of people and form the government to run the country.

Complete answer:
Representative democracy, conjointly represented as indirect democracy or representative government, maybe a variety of democracy based mostly on the thought that elective officers represent a gaggle of people, as contrasted to direct democracy. It is an aspect in both the government's legislative and presidential processes and is usually used in a lower chamber such as the United Kingdom's House of Commons or India's Lok Sabha and may be limited by constitutional constraints such as the upper chamber. The power in it is in the hands of the members who are chosen by the people. Political parties are also integral to this type of democracy because as opposed to individual representatives, democratic structures enable electors to vote for political parties.
Representative democracy is important since a repetitive process is the framing of laws and rules to be followed by an entire country. It needs the expertise of both well-educated and experienced teachers. If a common man is made to engage in such a process, a problem may be developed.

Note: The members shall constitute an autonomous ruling body that shall be responsible for acting in the public interest. Representative democracies are much more prevalent today than direct democracies. Representative democracy has a Senate, generally. Parliament's members are chosen by the Universal Adult Franchise. This democracy strengthens citizens' integrity.