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“Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France but in the administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient.” Analyse the statement with arguments.

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Complete answer:
Napoleon had brought an end to the democracy that had been achieved in France after the long-drawn French revolution. His constant attacks on other countries too had earned him the image of an oppressor and an aggressive conqueror.

However, his administrative reforms introduced were very effective and well-crafted and efficient. The few policies are:

> Established equality before the law.
> Abolished all the privileges based on birth.
> Granted the right to property to the French citizens.
> Abolished feudal system and freed the peasants from serfdom.
> Simplified administrative divisions.

Additional information:
Napoleon introduced the following changes to make the administrative system more efficient and rational in the areas ruled by him:
He established the civil code in 1804 also known as the Napoleonic Code. It did away with all the privileges based on birth.

One of Napoleon’s most important reforms, this set of laws included such freedoms as equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and the abolition of feudalism. Even though the Napoleonic Code gave many rights to the French it also took some way.