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Name any four life processes in living things.

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Life processes includes – Nutrition transportation, Respiration, metabolism, Reproduction and Excretion.

Complete answer
Life processes: There are certain basic vital processes, which are essential for any organism to survive. Most important life processes includes –
1. Nutrition
2. Transportation
3. Metabolism
4. Respiration
5. Reproduction
6. Excretion
Four life processes in living beings are –
1. Nutrition: The process by which living organisms take in food and use it to obtain energy for growth and development is called nutrition.
Nutrition is mainly of two types –
(a) Autotrophic Nutrition
(b) Heterotopic Nutrition
(a) Autotrophic nutrition: In this type of nutrition green plants make their food from simple inorganic substances by the process of photosynthesis.
Heterotrophic Nutrition: Animals and non-green plants like fungi etc. cannot manufacture their own food. They depend upon green plants for their food. Therefore, they are known cutting habits animals are divided into Herbivorous, Carnivorous, Omnivorous
2. Metabolism: The sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in our body is called metabolism.
3. Respiration: The process of taking oxygen into the cells, using it for energy release and then eliminating the waste products (CO$_2$ and water) is known as respiration. Respiration is a slow process. Enzymes help in this process.
4. Excretion: Due to various metabolic activities in plants and animals, many harmful and unnecessary substances are produced as by products. If they accumulate in the body, they can be harmful. The process of getting rid of metabolic wastes from the body is called excretion.

Note:Life process helps a body to survive with the changes in the environment, they are important to carry on various life activities. As humans are additional requirements like growth, differentiation, digestion, respiration, excretion etc. All these processes are interrelated to each other.
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