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Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Raising of cattle as livestock for the commercial and other beneficial purposes.

Complete answer:
The process of raising cattle from birth to death until the time they provide milk or food for consumption is called cattle farming.
The most common type of ungulates is cattle or cows which can be domesticated on a large scale. They occupy a unique role in human history, having been domesticated since at least the early Neolithic age. It is a type of animal husbandry. They are mostly raised as livestock for meat, milk, and for hides, which are used to make leather. They are also used as riding and draft animals.
Another product of cattle is their cow dung, which can be used to produce manure or fuel. They are often raised by allowing herds to graze on the grasses of large tracts of rangeland. Raising Cattle in this manner allows the use of land that might be unsuitable for growing crops.
Various products can be obtained from cattle inducing dairy, beef, or leather, etc. They are less commonly used for conservation grazing, or simply to maintain the grassland for wildlife. Depending on the breed cattle can survive various climates. Modern cattle are more commercial than older breeds and become more specialized and less versatile. For this reason, many small farmers still favor old breeds.

Note: The branch of agriculture which deals with the raising of animals for the production of meat, milk, eggs, and other products and is later used as a commercial source. It includes day-to-day care, selective breeding, and the raising of livestock. The word animal husbandry came from the verb husband, meaning ‘to manage carefully’.
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