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What are the two different sets of reasons given in favour of power sharing?

Last updated date: 10th May 2024
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Hint:Power Sharing means the distribution of power among the organs of the government like legislature, executive, and judiciary.
It may be a system of political arrangements between different levels of the government, between different social groups and between different political parties, pressure groups and movements.

Complete answer:
The two different sets of reasons given for power sharing are:
1. Prudential
2. Moral.
Prudential reasons pressure that power sharing will discover the higher outcomes. Power sharing helps to cut back the chance of conflict between the social groups, political parties, pressure groups, etc.
Moral reasons highlight the act of power sharing as valuable. Power sharing is the soul of democracy. People have a proper right to be asked on how they are to be ruled.

Additional information-
Difference between prudential reason and moral reason of power sharing is-
Prudential Reason: Power sharing helps in cutting back the conflict between the various collective groups. Hence, power sharing is critical for maintaining communal harmony and peace.
Moral Reason: The avoiding conflict in society and preventing majority tyranny are considered as prudential reasons for power sharing.

Note: There are four types/forms of the facility Sharing, which are-
Horizontal distribution of power: During this, power is shared among different organs of presidency like legislature.
Federal government: During this, power is shared among governments at different levels.
Power sharing among different social groups: During this, power is shared among social groups like linguistic and non-secular groups.
Other types: Power sharing is additionally seen within the political parties, pressure groups and movements control.

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