Reservation for NEET 2020
The NEET is one of the topmost exams in the country. Millions of students appear in this exam every year but only a few tend to crack it. Some aspirants have the luxury of having reservations which help them stand out from the rest. We have brought this article just to throw some light on these NEET reservation criteria. In this article, you will learn about the various NEET reservation criteria and how many seats are allocated for each of them.
NEET reservation criteria 2020 gives a clear idea of the percentage of seats which are reserved for the reservation students like scheduled castes(SC), scheduled tribes (ST), other backward castes (OBC), economically weaker section (EWS) and students with physical disabilities (PwD) to get admission into MBBS, BDS, and AYUSH courses through NEET 2020. Candidates who qualify for the entrance test will be invited to participate in the counseling. This article elaborates on the various reservations in the NEET Admission process.
Once the exam is over, the process of admission is conducted based on the NEET 2020 Reservation criteria. The reservation criteria for NEET 2020 apply to the 15% of seats offered in the All India Quota. For the 85% state quota seats, each state has its reservation in NEET PG criteria 2020 that is applicable at the time of state counseling. In addition to it, all NEET seats offered in central or deemed Universities and private colleges are also under the purview of NEET 2020 Reservation criteria. To bring the disadvantaged section of the society to a level playing field, the NEET reservation for general seats in NEET criteria has been brought into effect.
NEET 2020 is scheduled to be conducted on 3rd May 2020, in the mode of offline admission to 76, 928 MBBS and 26,949 BDS seats offered in the medical-dental colleges of India. Interested candidates can check the detailed information on the NEET 2020 Reservation criteria for the upcoming academic session in the article below.
NEET Reservation Criteria 2020- 15% AIQ
Medical seat reservation in government medical colleges which are under 15% All India Quota as per NEET Eligibility:
(a) 15% seats are reserved for SC candidates,
(b) 7.5% seats are reserved for ST candidates
(c) 27% of the seats in Central Educational Institutions are reserved for OBC students only which are as per Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in 15 Admissions) Act, 2006. Reservation would apply to the castes which are mentioned in the Central list of OBC. Therefore, the students who are falling on this list will have to mention OBC in the Category Column in the application form. Candidates who do not belong to any of these categories and those who do not come under the Central List of OBC are advised to mention their category as Unreserved (UR).
The Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) will conduct the counseling for 15% of seats offered in all government medical colleges except for the state of Jammu and Kashmir by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). According to the reservation criteria of NEET 2020, out of the total number of seats 15% of seats are reserved for SC candidates, and for ST candidates 7.5 % of seats will be kept reserved while 27% of the seats are reserved only for OBC candidates. The rest of the unreserved seats will be filled based on the merit list achieved in NEET state quota 2020 and by seats for the general category in NEET. From the year 2018, states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are also participating in the AIQ counseling.
NEET Reservation Criteria 2020 - Economically Weaker Section
Starting from 2019, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has brought the EWS quota into NEET-UG admission. According to the official rule, 10% of the seats will be reserved for candidates who are financially unsound backgrounds. Such students must not be covered under any other reservation scheme and for those whose gross family income is not exceeded by Rs. 8,00,000/-. Clearing the criteria and guidelines which have been issued by the authority based on which the beneficiaries of the EWS reservation will be distinguished. The category of EWS will apply only to CW and PwD category seats which are available in the Delhi University and medical college of RML Hospital. The following are the details of the eligibility criteria.
Those students whose families own any of the following assets which are mentioned below will not be considered eligible to avail admission under the EWS quota.
5 acres of agricultural land and above
Residential flat of 1000 sq ft. and above
Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities
Residential plot of 200 sq yards and above in the areas other than the notified municipalities of the particular state.
NEET Reservation 2020 (EWS) - List of Colleges
NEET 2020 Reservation criteria for the all India level will be applicable only in the central educational institutions or the central universities for whom the LoPs have been issued by the Board of Governors, Medical Council of India and will be applicable only for UR categorized students.
Institutes that are part of the NEET EWS reservation
1. Central University/Institutes of Higher Learning
2. National Institutes of Health
3. Medical Schools run by State Governments
Some of these institutes are:
Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Medical College of RML Hospital, New Delhi
Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has implemented an EWS quota in NEET-UG admissions starting in 2019. This quota allocates 10% of spots in government medical schools for people from low-income families. Here are some factors that tend to differentiate for the EWS category in NEET 2020 reservation. If the family of any candidate owns any of these, he/she will be disqualified. These factors are: The family's annual income cannot exceed $8,00,000; 5 acres or more of agricultural land; A large residential flat is one with a square footage of 1000 square feet or more; A residential site of 100 square yards or more is necessary for notified areas; In areas other than the notified municipalities, a residential plot of 200 square yards or more is necessary.
NEET Reservation Criteria 2020- Persons with Disability
According to the NEET 2020 Reservation criteria, students with benchmark physical disability will get a reservation of 5% out of the total available seats. These suppliers have been brought in effect under the Rights of Persons with Physical Disability Act, 2016. Candidates who have claimed the reservation under the above-said act (AQI seats) will be required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by one of the disability assessment boards as listed below.
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mumbai - 400034
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata - 20
Madras Medical College, Chennai - 600003
NEET Reservation Criteria for 15% AIQ
NEET 2020 reservation criteria would be offered to 27 per cent of OBC and 10% of EWS categories, according to the most recent update. In all government MBBS/BDS institutes, the All India Quota (AIQ) will account for 15% of total seats. To allocate the seats under the 15 % scheme, NEET-UG reservation criteria will be used. The Supreme Court had already established NEET reservation at 15% for SC and 7.5 per cent for ST categories. The 27 per cent OBC reservation for NEET Admissions, on the other hand, was only enforced in Central universities. However, it did not apply to AIQ seats in state-run MBBS and BDS colleges.
Reservation Criteria of 85% State Quota Seats NEET 2020
The reservation criteria for NEET 2020 for the seats under the state quota seats will be put together to the latest reservation policy prevailing in the state released by the counseling authority. Each state has its reservation policy for different local categories which are governed under the state rule. Admission to various seats offered in private medical and dental colleges are governed by the respective state counseling authority. These do not always necessarily have the NEET reservation for OBC.
Reservation Criteria for NEET 2020 - Deemed or Central Universities & ESIC colleges
All the seats available in Deemed or Central universities, ESIC college and AFMS institutes are also filled through All India counseling conducted by the Directorate General Of Health Services and the same criteria NEET 2020 Reservation criteria will be applicable here. Thus, admission to Armed Force Medical College, Pune shall be subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Services, Ministry of Defense, Government of India.
NEET Reservation Criteria 2020 for Various Categories such as OBC, SC, ST, PWD, EWS, SC, ST, etc.
State Quota candidates are allotted 85 percent of seats in each state, and the state authorities establish the NEET 2020 reservation criteria for them. NEET is India's single undergraduate national-level medical entrance exam, which was held on September 12 for admission to India's medical and dental colleges' 83,075 MBBS and 26,949 BDS seats. You will get details about all the NEET reservation criteria, you can check these details below.
FAQs on NEET 2020 Reservation
1. What is the NEET reservation criteria 2020 for persons with disability?
The NEET reservation criteria 2020 for the persons with disability is that a person should have a minimum degree of disability either equal to 40% or more than it so that he/she can avail Pwd quota. The degree of disability in any person should be following the guidelines that are set by the Govt of India. The candidate applying under this category must have the “Certificate of Disability” with him.
2. What is the reservation criteria for NEET 2020 for the seats under the state quota?
In the reservation criteria for NEET 2020 under state quota, 85 percent of the seats will be filled through counseling done by different states or union territories. You can contact their respective state authorities concerned with the counseling of the NEET. You must check whether you are eligible for this reservation under the policy of your state or union territory.
3. What is the reservation criteria for NEET 2020 for the economically weaker sections?
To give reservation to the EWS quota in the NEET Admission, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in the year 2019 decided to allot 10% of seats to them in the government medical colleges. Students who have an annual income of not more than ₹8,00,000, can get this reservation. Apart from this, students who belong to this category can also get other benefits as well.
4. What is the total number of seats in the NEET 2020 exam?
For NEET 2020 exams, the number of seats available is: for MBBS, 83,075 seats are available, for BDS, 26,949 seats are available, for AYUSH, 50,720 seats are available, for veterinary, 525 seats are available, for MBBS in AIIMS, 1899 seats are available and for JIPMER, 249 seats are available. Every year millions of students register for the NEET exam and compete for the above-mentioned seats.
5. What are the different reservations included in the reservation criteria for NEET 2020 exam?
In NEET reservation criteria 2020, a lot of categories have been added and all these categories have been allocated different percentages of seats. These reservation categories are scheduled tribes (ST), other backward classes (OBC), scheduled castes (SC), economically weaker sections (EWS), and physically disabled candidates (PwD). Students who belong to any of these categories can get benefits from their respective reservation categories.