NEET 2018 Question Paper with Solutions (Code AA) - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NEET 2018 Question Paper with Solutions and Answers Keys for (Code AA)
1. What is the 2025 NEET Exam Pattern?
The exam pattern for NEET has remained the same since 2020. It consisted of a total of 180 objective type questions. Questions are asked from Biology (90 questions), Physics and chemistry (45 questions each). For each correct answer, four marks will be awarded. Also, one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. NEET question paper was of 720 marks till 2020. However, except for the marking system and time allotment, the exam pattern has changed a lot. However, the pattern has been changed since 2021 and is expected to remain the same in 2025. In the new pattern, the paper consists of 4 sections including Physics, chemistry, zoology and Botany with each section having two sub-sections of A and B each with 35 and 15 questions respectively. Students can choose 10 questions out of 15 questions in subsection B of each section. Hence in the new pattern students have to answer 200 multiple choice questions in a 3hours duration.
The question paper was previously prepared in a total of 11 languages including English, Hindi, Urdu, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Oriya. However, since 2023 the question paper is now prepared in two more languages of Malayalam and Punjabi. Hence NEET 2025 question paper will be in 13 languages.
2. What are the benefits of solving the previous year question papers for the NEET examination?
Solving previous years question papers of any exam in the given time frame builds confidence and skill of time management for the exam among the students. The same applies to NEET. Solving previous years’ papers gives an extra advantage in the fact that often few questions are repeated or the matter of the question repeats. Solving papers also helps the students to assess themselves and they can work on their weak parts and mend them before the exam. Not only this, practising more and more previous year papers boosts the level of confidence of the applicants as they will be already aware of the time frame in which pattern of questions they have to attend.
3. Which chapters are more important for the NEET 2025 exam?
The most important topics which are expected to have maximum weightage in the NEET 2025 are as follows.
In Physics, Mechanics, and Electrodynamics are likely to have the maximum questions thus having the maximum weightage in this section.
In Chemistry, application-based questions are usually the first preference of the paper setters. Organic chemistry has more weightage in this section. Around 16-17 questions are expected from Organic Chemistry. Paper setters always prefer concepts over memorising so practising lots of Organic Chemistry problems is a must for candidates.
In Biology, paper setters always prefer NCERT Biology so studying the NCERT textbook is enough to score good marks in this section which bears the maximum weightage in NEET. It has also been seen that Class 12 topics bear more weightage than Class 11 topics so prepare accordingly. Give more importance to human physiology and genetics.
4. What are the important instructions for the NEET 2025 exam?
The most important instructions for NEET 2025 are as follows.
First of all the candidates should write the text booklet code on their respective OMR sheets.
Candidates should use the ballpoint pens provided in the exam hall for filling the OMR sheet with respective answers.
Candidates should be very sure about the answer before marking the OMR sheet since once marked it cannot be erased.
Candidates are allowed to do their rough work only in the designated space allotted for the same.
Candidates should be careful that their answer sheets do not get folded.
5. What do the terms qualifying marks and cut off marks mean for the NEET exam?
Many students have a misconception about the terms qualifying marks and cut-off marks. They are not the same as far as the NEET exam is concerned. Qualifying marks mean that you get qualified in the NEET exam and are selected for the counselling procedure of NEET but remember this never guarantees you a seat in a medical college. It is the cut-off score that matters for getting a seat in the medical colleges of India. Hence there is nothing to cheer up if you get only a qualifying mark, to get your dream seat you have to target a good cut-off mark.