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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 - Aise Aise


Class 6 Hindi Vasant NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 Aise Aise

Hindi is one of those subjects in which a student can spend hours practicing, and one might still not feel as if he or she knows everything. This is why we can easily state that if somebody wants to become proficient in this language, then he or she will need to work hard and generate interest in this subject.

Sadly, this is not something that students can accomplish on their own. Students need help from the best educators. We at Vedantu understand this, and this is why we provide students with a platform that they can use to contact the best educators in India.

In this article, we are providing NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 Aise Aise pdf for the students finding difficulty in answering the questions of this chapter.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Vasant

Chapter Name:

Chapter 8 - Aise Aise

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Subjects like Science, Maths, English,Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science , Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Vasant Chapter 8 – ऐसे ऐसे

1. ‘सड़क के किनारे एक सुंदर फ्लैट में बैठक का दृश्य। उसका दरवाजा सड़क वाले बरामदे में खुलता है……… उस पर एक फोन रखा है, इस बैठक की पूरी तस्वीर बनाओ।

उत्तर: सड़क के किनारे एक सुंदर फ्लैट में बैठक का दृश्य। उसका दरवाजा सड़क वाले बरामदे में खुलता है। बरामदे में अलग-अलग तरह के फूलों के पौधे लगे हुए हैं। घर की दीवारों का रंग हल्का पीला है। घर में सोफा और टी.वी भी लगा हुआ है। टी.वी के ऊपर से उसका कवर लगा हुआ है जो लाल रंग का है। टीवी के सामने जो सोफा है उसके साथ लगे टेबल पर गुलदस्ता लगा है जिसमें गुलाब के फूल लगे हुए हैं। कमरे में एक टेलीफोन भी है।

2. माँ मोहन के ‘ऐसे-ऐसे’ कहने पर क्यों घबरा रही थी?

उत्तर: मोहन की माँ जब उससे पूछती है कि उसके पर में किस प्रकार की तकलीफ़ हो रही है तो मोहन ठीक से कुछ नहीं बताता बस बोलता की कुछ ‘ऐसे-ऐसे’ हो रहा है। यह सुनकर उसकी माँ घबरा जाती है कि कहीं उसे कोई बड़ी बीमारी तो नहीं हो गई जो वह दर्द से इतना तड़प रहा है।

3. ऐसे कौन-कौन से बहाने होते हैं जिन्हें मास्टर जी एक ही बार में सुनकर समझ जाते हैं? ऐसे कुछ बहानों के बारे में लिखो।

उत्तर: जब बच्चे पेट में दर्द, सर में दर्द, रिश्तेदारों की तबियत खराब होना या उनकी शादी होना जैसे बहाने बनाने की कोशिश करते हैं तो मास्टर जी एक ही बार में सुनकर समझ जाते हैं कि उनके छात्र बस बहाना बना रहे हैं क्योंकि शिक्षकों को इन बातों का अनुभव होता है कि बच्चे किस प्रकार के बहाने बना सकते हैं।

4. स्कूल के काम से बचने के लिए मोहन ने कई बार पेट में ‘ऐसे-ऐसे’ होने के बहाने बनाए। मान लो, एक बार उसे सचमुच पेट में दर्द हो गया और उसकी बातों पर लोगों ने विश्वास नहीं किया, तब मोहन पर क्या बीती होगी? 

उत्तर: यदि मोहन को कभी सच में पेट दर्द हो जाए तो वह खुदको सच्चा साबित नहीं कर सकेगा क्योंकि उसने कई बार झूठ बोला है जिसको वजह से लोगों का उसपर से भरोसा उठ गया है और वह फिर कभी उसके किसी भी बहाने पर विश्वास नहीं करेंगे। मोहन के जैसा ही एक और लड़का था, जो गाँववालों को डराने के लिए शेर आया बोलता था परन्तु जब असली में शेर आया तो किसी ने उसपर विश्वास नहीं किया। इसलिए शायद मोहन को भी अपनी गलती का एहसास हो जाए जब उसपे कोई विश्वास नहीं करेगा।

5. पाठ में आए वाक्य- ‘लोचा-लोचा फिरे है’ के बदले ‘ढीला-ढाला हो गया है या बहुत कमजोर हो गया है’- लिखा जा सकता है लेकिन लेखक ने संवाद में विशेषता लाने के लिए बोलियों के रंग-ढंग का उपयोग किया है। इस पाठ में इस तरह की अन्य पंक्तियाँ भी हैं, जैसे-

-इत्ती नई-नई बीमारियाँ निकली हैं।

- राम मारी बीमारियों ने तंग कर दिया।

- तेरे पेट में तो बहुत बड़ी दाढ़ी है।

अनुमान लगाओ, इन पंक्तियों को दूसरे ढंग से कैसे लिखा जा सकता है?

उत्तर: इत्ती नई-नई बीमारियाँ निकली हैं। इसको नए ढंग से लिखने पर कई नई बीमारियाँ निकली हैं।

राम मारी बीमारियों ने तंग कर दिया। इसको नए ढंग से लिखने पर इस बीमारी ने परेशान कर दिया है।

तेरे पेट में तो बहुत बड़ी दाढ़ी है। इसको नए ढंग से लिखने पर तुम बहुत चालाक हो।

6. मान लो कि तुम मोहन की तबीयत पूछने जाते हो। तुम अपने और मोहन के बीच की बातचीत को संवाद के रूप में लिखो।

उत्तर: हमारी बातचीत इस प्रकार की होगी।

दोस्त- कैसे हो मोहन? 

मोहन- बस पेट में कुछ ऐसे-ऐसे हो रहा है।

दोस्त- ऐसे-ऐसे का क्या मतलब है? 

मोहन- अरे तुम क्यों नहीं समझ रहे?

दोस्त- पर तुम मुझे बता भी तो नहीं रहे हो कि तुमको आखिर परेशानी क्या है?

मोहन- बस आज मैं स्कूल नहीं जाऊंगा।

दोस्त- ठीक है तो मै चलता हूँ। वापस आकर तुमसे मिलता हूँ।

7. संकट के समय के लिए कौन-कौन से नंबर याद रखे जाने चाहिए? ऐसे वक़्त में पुलिस, फायर ब्रिगेड और डॉक्टर से तुम कैसे बात करोगे? कक्षा में करके बताओ।

उत्तर: संकट के समय के लिए आपातकालीन सेवा- 112, पुलिस- 100, फायर ब्रिगेड- 101, एम्बुलेंस- 102 नंबर याद रखे जाने चाहिए।

8. मास्टर: …… स्कूल का काम तो पूरा कर लिया है?

(मोहन हाँ में सिर हिलाता है।)

मोहन: जी, सब काम पूरा कर लिए है।

इस स्थिति में नाटक का अंत क्या होता? लिखो।

उत्तर: ऐसी स्थिति में मोहन झूठ नहीं बोलता और मास्टर जी उसको पकड़ नहीं पाते। मोहन के झूठ बोलने की आदत का पता किसी को नहीं चलता और सब उसपर विश्वास करते।

9. बताना: रूथ ने कपड़े अलमारी में रखे।

नहीं/मना करना

उत्तर: रूथ ने अलमारी में कपड़े नहीं रखे।


उत्तर: क्या रूथ ने कपड़ों को अलमारी में रख दिया?

आदेश देना

उत्तर: रूथ, कपड़ों को अलमारी में रखो।

NCERT Solution for Hindi Class 6 Chapter 8 - Free PDF Download

Solving Hindi questions is a very time-consuming task. Students often have to work for hours to solve questions. And sadly, most students do not have that kind of time as they have other subjects too. So, what should a student do in this situation?

If a student is stuck in a situation like this, then he or she can either make peace with the fact that he or she might score fewer marks, or the student can get the help of the experts at Vedantu. By choosing to get our help, students can manage their time in a better manner and score more marks.

We provide students with access to online live classes. These classes help students in learning new topics and chapters. We also provide students with free solved NCERT questions pdf. These files can be used by students whenever they are stuck on a question and need some extra help.

NCERT Solution For NCERT Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 

Class 6 students are often very busy. From the time when their alarm clock rings to the time when they go to bed, Class 6th students are constantly on the go. First, they have to go to schools, and then they have extra classes after school ends. On top of all this, students also need to make time for doing their homework, preparing for their final examination, and whatnot.

This is just a brief overview of the day of a student. And from this, it is quite clear that students are working on a rope. The balance can be overthrown any second, and this is why students need to work smartly. We at Vedantu can help students with that.

We provide all students with free solved NCERT questions pdf. Students can use these files to find the answers to questions that they find difficult without wasting any time. We also provide students with access to online live classes.

Class 6 Chapter 8 Hindi: Aise Aise

Chapter 8, included in Class 6 of the Hindi NCERT book, is titled ‘Aise Aise.’ In this chapter, students learn various valuable life lessons. This chapter makes students think beyond the surface.

This chapter offers students many exciting opportunities to engage in activities within the classroom. Hence, it is suggested that students should take advantage of those opportunities. This will allow students to score good marks.

Marks Weightage of NCERT Hindi Solution Class 6

Chapter 8 of Class 6th Hindi NCERT book is an important chapter. Students can expect to see a number of questions in their final examination from this chapter. This is why it is advised that students should solve all NCERT questions in this chapter.

This will make the student better prepared for the final examination. Both short and long answer type questions can come from this chapter.

Benefits of Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 Aise Aise

There are many advantages that students can experience if they make the decision to download Class 6th Hindi chapter 8 solved questions pdf. Do you wish to know what those benefits are? If yes, then go through the list that is mentioned below.

  • All solutions are written by the best educators in India

  • The team of educators at Vedantu is filled with people who are highly experienced, qualified, talented and share our vision of making learning more fun for students

  • At Vedantu, we provide students with online live classes

  • Students can ask their doubts 24x7 by posting on the Vedantu platform

  • The file of solved questions is available for download for free

These are all the major benefits that students can experience by downloading the solved class 6 Hindi NCERT questions from Vedantu.

How Would Vedantu Study Material Help in Scoring More Marks?

Students work hard throughout the year, and this is why the moment of the final result declaration is important for many students. During the result declaration, some students score good marks while others score lower than what they expected. Have you ever thought about what makes a difference in this situation?

The major difference between students who are satisfied with their scores and those who are not is that some enjoy learning while others don’t. This could be because of many reasons, including the type of teaching. Thankfully, we at Vedantu are here to take care of this situation.

We provide students with online live classes that are fun and engaging for all students. These classes help in educating students and generating love for learning within those students. This helps in improving the marks of all students.

Go ahead and download the Vedantu app today to score better marks than ever!

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 - Aise Aise

1. Is the Solved Question Answer pdf Available for Free?

Yes, students can download all solved questions and answers from Vedantu for free.

2. I Missed a Lesson at School. And now, I’m Having a Hard Time Learning a Chapter in Hindi NCERT. Can Vedantu Help?

If a student is facing any issues in understanding or learning a chapter, then he or she can always contact the academic experts at Vedantu. Students can also enroll in live online classes to clear any doubts that they might have in a subject.

3. Who will Answer the Queries that I Post at Vedantu?

We at Vedantu have a team of in-house teaching experts. These experts will answer the queries that are posted at Vedantu. These experts are also highly talented and qualified. So, students don’t have to worry about the accuracy and reliability of the answers.

4. What is the main idea given in Chapter 8 “Aise Aise” in Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant ?

Chapter 8 “Aise Aise” in Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasan is based on a story of a boy who used to make excuses for not going to school or for not doing his school work. It is an interesting story. Students of class 6 will learn many valuable lessons in the chapter. They will teach the importance of studies and will teach that making false excuses can sometimes lead to trouble. Therefore, students should do hard work and concentrate on their studies to achieve success in life.

5. Why did Mohan make an excuse for stomach pain in Chapter 8 “Aise Aise” in Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant?

Mohan spent his holidays playing and having fun with friends. Suddenly, Mohan realized that the next day he had to go to school and he had not completed his school work. He got anxious and thought that his teacher would scold him for not completing the work. Therefore, he made an excuse for stomach pain because he thought that this excuse would help him from not going to school.

6. What do you learn about the character of Mohan from Chapter 8 “Aise Aise” in Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant?

Mohan was a naughty boy. Neighbors were also not happy with the mischievous behavior of Mohan. He was not serious about his studies. He did not complete his schoolwork on time. He used to make different excuses for not completing his school work. Once, he did not complete his holiday homework and he was very anxious. Therefore, he thought of an idea and started complaining of stomach pain so that he would not have to go to school. 

7. From where can I download the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 “Aise Aise” in Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant for free?

Students can download the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 “Aise Aise” in Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant for free from Vedantu. They can visit the Vedantu website and search for the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi. A PDF file can be downloaded to study offline. NCERT Solutions are available in easy language so that students can memorize the solutions for exams. Students can score high marks in final exams by preparing from the NCERT Solutions available on Vedantu.  They are also available on Vedantu Mobile app.

8. Why was mother anxious when Mohan said “Aise Aise”in Chapter 8 “Aise Aise” in Class 6 Hindi Textbook Vasant?

Mohan was saying that his stomach is having a problem. He did not know what was the reason for his stomach pain. Therefore, he was saying “Aise Aise”. The mother was getting anxious because she thought that her son is having a serious problem due to which he is having stomach pain. She was anxious by witnessing the condition of her son because no one was able to understand the reason for his stomach pain.