NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 13 - Sharing Our Feelings
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Evs Chapter 13 Sharing Our Feelings
1. Who were the two favourite people in Seema’s life?
Two of her favourite people were her grandmother and her brother Ravi. She always shared all the news with them after coming back from school.
2. What do you mean by Blindfold?
Blindfold means when you tie a piece of cloth around someone’s eyes so that the person is not able to see anything.
3. What are the advantages of NCERT Solutions in Vedantu?
Vedantu has subject matter experts from CBSE background who are proficient in solving the problems as per the guidelines from the board. All the study materials are formulated as per the guidelines of the Board syllabus. That is why when it comes to the quality then you crest assured.
4. Who invented the Braille script and how did he discover it?
Braille script is a special way of reading and writing for blind people. The script is written on a thick paper by making a row of raised dots with a pointed tool. People who cannot see run their fingers on the raised dots to read. The script is based on six points. Louis Braille from France discovered the script. When he was three years old, he hurt his eye with a very sharp object while he was playing with his father’s tools. He lost his eyesight. He was very keen on studying and so he kept thinking of different ways of reading. He finally discovered a method of reading by touching and feeling. That is how the Braille script was invented.
5. What is a Braille script?
Braille is a sort of script that consists of a row of raised dots on thick paper. These dots may be read by running your fingertips over them since they are elevated. This script is built on a six-point foundation.The Braille script has evolved significantly in recent years.
Reading and writing have become much easier as a result of this. Braille can now be typed on a computer as well.
6. Describe Seema’s grandmother.
Seema’s grandmother is a very old lady, and as a result of her age, she is unable to see or hear properly. Every day, Seema's father reads the newspaper to her. She does the rest of the work herself, and if anyone attempts to assist her, she becomes enraged. Even though she is unable to see clearly, she enjoys cutting veggies. She believes that nowadays, individuals are unable to correctly cut vegetables.
7. Who is Ravi and what does he do?
Ravi, Seema's brother, is a college professor. The college students hold him in high regard. Ravi likes listening to music and takes part in plays. He enjoys conversing with his buddies and also joins them on outings. He always has a white stick with him when he goes out as he is blind. He prefers to handle all of his work himself and becomes upset if anyone attempts to assist him against his wishes.
8. How many questions are there in NCERT Chapter 13 EVS Class 3?
There are 14 questions all of which are covered in the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 13 EVS Class 3. The suitable answers to these questions are provided and as per the requirements of this chapter, they are given with a motive to sensitize the students towards the people with special needs. These questions are also very helpful during examinations. For the PDF of NCERT Solutions of these questions visit the page NCERT Solutions Class 3 EVS Chapter 13 on the official website of Vedantu or on the Vedantu app at free of cost.
9. How can we help those who have lost their vision just like Ravi in this chapter?
First of all, we should be sensitive towards their condition and not make fun of their disability. At the same time, we should also make sure that they don’t feel excluded from the social circle. We should lend a hand whenever they need help and we should treat them the same as we do others. We should also make sure that they get equal opportunities and introduce them to tools that might be more convenient for them.