Like and Unlike Decimals Examples
Have you ever thought about what a decimal number is? The term decimal number denotes the numerical quantity present in fractions and not as a whole. The representation of the decimal number is such that the whole part is separated from the fractional part by a decimal point or a dot. For example, 2.35, 1.2, 5.67, and 7.08 represent decimal numbers, which lie between two whole numbers or integers. In the given article, children would gain insight into the like and unlike decimals and how to convert, unlike decimals into like decimals. This is the most common topic used in mathematical calculation. Let us understand more about it.
What are Like and Unlike Decimals?
Like decimal numbers are those decimal numbers that have the same number of digits after the decimal point. For example, 2.46, 6.09, and 3.87 are called decimal numbers.

Showing like decimals
Further, unlike decimal numbers, those decimal numbers have a different number of digits after the decimal point. For example, 2.657, 3.04, and 1.871 are called, unlike decimals.

Showing unlike decimals
Convert Unlike Decimals into Like Decimals
The best and most feasible way to convert unlike decimals into like decimals is by adding zeros to the right of the decimal place, which does not lead to a change in the actual value. Steps to be followed when changing unlike decimals into like decimals are given underneath:
Write the given expression
Write the like and unlike decimal numbers from the given expression separately by enclosing them within brackets
Then, convert unlike decimals into like decimals by putting 0s to the right of the decimal point
Thus, the expression gets converted to decimal numbers.
Like and Unlike Decimals Solved Examples
Q 1. Convert the following decimals to like decimals: 1.7, 2.35, 6.135.
Ans: Follow the below-given steps to convert the unlike decimals into the like decimals, i.e.
Write the given decimals
1.7, 2.35, 6.135
Separate the like and unlike decimals. If there is no separation, then right as it is, i.e. 1.7, 2.35, 6.135
Further, we need to convert each of the decimal numbers to the like decimal number, which has an equal number of digits after the decimal point
1.700, 2.350, 6.135
Thus, the decimal expression is converted to like decimals with the utmost digits at the right of the decimal point.

Showing conversion of unlike decimals into like decimals
Q 2. Which of the given decimals is greater, 78.40 or 78.210?
Ans: To compare two decimals, one needs to follow some steps:
Write the given decimal expression
78.40 or 78.210
Now, convert the unlike decimals into like by putting zeros
78.400 or 78.210
As the left side of the decimal point is the same for both the decimal numbers; thus comparison will be based on the right side of the decimal point i.e.
400 is greater than 210
Finally, deciding which decimal is greater than the other
Hence, 78.400 is greater than 78.210.
Practice Problems
Q 1. Convert the decimal points to like decimal points: 11.4, 1.56, 1.8, 1.983.
Ans: 11.400, 1.560, 1.800, 1.983
Q 2. Compare the decimal points:
1.763 or 1.61
Ans: 1.763
Q 3. Transform the following, unlike decimals into like decimals: 1.72, 26.361, 3.35 and 0.9.
Ans: 1.7200, 26.3610, 3.3500 and 0.9000.
Q 4. Separate the following like and unlike decimals.
9.5, 18.235, 4.51, 7.06 and 20.024.
Ans: Like Decimals:
With two digits after the decimal point are 4.51 and 7.06
With three-digit after the decimal point are 18.235 and 20.024
Unlike Decimals are:
9.5, 4.31 and 18.235
9.5, 7.06 and 20.024
9.5, 7.06 and 18.235
9.5, 4.31 and 20.024
Synopsizing here with the concept of like and unlike decimals and the method of converting unlike decimals to like decimals. This article covers every topic by deeply surfing the internet to provide the students with the best experience. Images are also used to make the learning lenient and interesting. Some solved examples, along with the practice problems, are given for the conceptual clarification of the students. Hoping you enjoyed learning the topic. Feel unrestricted to ask your doubts in the comments.
FAQs on Like and Unlike Decimals
1. What is the need to convert unlike decimals into like decimals?
The main importance of converting the unlike decimals to like decimals is that it makes comparing two decimal quantities easier and more efficient. It also reduces the calculation load by simplifying them.
2. Is Like and Unlike Decimals Worksheets pdf also available?
Yes, like and unlike decimals worksheets pdf also available. One can access these worksheet pdf over the internet by simply searching about them. Like and unlike decimal worksheets pdf provides a way for the students to get numerous problems based on the concept in an offline mode.
3. What is the method of converting a decimal number to a fraction?
A decimal can easily be converted to a fraction by writing it in the form of $\dfrac{p}{q}$. The steps to be followed to achieve the results are given:
Write the given decimal number
Tally the number of digits following the decimal point
Remove the decimal and put zeros in the denominator equal to the number of digits on the right of the decimal point
Hence, the given decimal number is converted to a fraction.