Revision Notes for ICSE Class 10 Physics - Free PDF Solutions
Chapter wise ICSE Class 10 Physics Revision Notes
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Physics Revision Notes
1. Why is it important to revise class 10 physics notes regularly?
Class 10 final examination is a very important exam for each student as the marks obtained in this particular exam will help them get admissions into their choice of stream for higher education. Many candidates find it difficult to solve physics as it includes several numerical solutions and formulas. Therefore candidates are advised to revise their class 10 Physics notes regularly to gain thorough knowledge about the topic. At vedantu we provide free PDF downloads of all the class notes and NCERT solutions. Students can visit the official vedantu site and start their preparation for the class 10 final exam.
2. Can I download class 10 physics NCERT solutions from vedantu?
Yes you can download the class 10 NCERT physics solutions by signing into the Vedantu’s website. These solutions are solved by our expert teachers in a very easy and step by step method we have also added class 10 Physics notes on this site. Regular solving of these solutions will help the students to secure better marks.
3. What are the topics included in NCERT class 10 physics textbook?
The class 10 NCERT physics textbook consist of the following 8 chapters:
Chapter 1 - Physical World.
Chapter 2 - Units and Measurements.
Chapter 3 - Motion in a Straight Line.
Chapter 4 - Motion in a Plane.
Chapter 5 - Laws of Motion.
Chapter 6 - Work, Energy and Power.
Chapter 7 - System of Particles and Rotational Motion.
Chapter 8 - Gravitation.
The textbook also provides several examples and practice questions after each chapters for the better understanding of the students.
4. Is Ncert textbook helpful for JEE exam?
Yes, NCERT solutions and textbooks are very much important for improving your JEE Physics scores. Ever year many questions are asked in the JEE examination from the NCERT textbook. Therefore candidates are advised solve the NCERT textbook properly along with the previous year question papers to get an idea about pattern of examination and marking scheme.
5. Where Can I Find Resources For Class 10 ICSE Board Physics?
You can get all the detailed useful material regarding the Class 10 ICSE Board on Vedantu App or Website. They have Revision notes which are very concise and to the point, Summary, Sample papers and their solutions and the ICSE Board syllabus. On top of that, all the study material that you get here is free. You just need to Register your account and with a simple click, the material is sent to you.
6. Why Should I Make Revision Notes? What Is My Benefit?
When you make your notes and you religiously go through it every week or so, you will see that after a few revisions, you wouldn't even have to look at your book again. The first three revisions that took you an hour and a half to complete will now on your 6th revision be of only 30 minutes. When you make your handwritten notes, you read a lengthy topic and then interpret it into a brief form using pointers. So next time, when you need to go through a topic, you will only have to read your concise but thorough notes.
7. Which Books Should I Refer To For My Preparation?
You should refer to SELINA Books for your ICSE Board preparation. Students and teachers themselves recommend these books. When you read these books, you will know that all of the information is provided in an outstanding concise manner. Students will not have to search for any other book, these are more than enough. These books present the information to students in a comprehensive text. They help you not only in your board exam preparation but also in competitive exams.
8. How Do I Better Myself At Physics?
Practice. We have time and again heard a quote that says, “Practice makes perfect.” and it’s the absolute truth when we talk about physics and math. When you, again and again, solve something, you automatically start interpreting it and, slowly but steadily, it starts imbibing in your brain. Now, in 5 days, if you pick the notes up again, you will already feel like you remember most of them. But, in contrast to that- If you go for 30 days without even looking at those notes, you will see that you have forgotten most of it. Why does this happen? It's because our brain works in a pattern. The more you practise, the better you get.
9. How Do I Not Feel Dejected When I Score Low Marks?
When you score low marks, do not make that your weakness. Try to use it as your strength. Instead of focusing on the negative and wasting time, put that energy into good use and understand what went wrong. Analyze your paper and mark where you made silly mistakes and where you made conceptual mistakes. Be true to yourself and clear your doubts regularly. Take it as a lesson and feel motivated to do even better. Students can download free study material for free on Vedantu site and mobile app.