The Last Supper Meaning
We are living in a world where many atheists and non-believers exist. But the evidence for the existence of the great Jesus Christ will surely fascinate us to believe more in the almighty power. There have been many significant events that took place during the lifetime of Jesus. Among them all, a last supper is an important event that we should know more about.
As the word itself denotes, the last supper meaning denotes the dinner that had taken place just before the day Jesus was crucified. But, the event wondered that Jesus already knew that it was going to be his last supper. Jesus, knowing that it was his last dinner, invited all his disciples to the feed. It was the final meal that Jesus and his disciples had shared. It took place in one of the upper rooms of Jerusalem. The last supper is not just an event of the dinner but has great messages embedded in them. They convey messages not only to the Christain community but to the entire world.
Jesus last supper portrays the idea of sharing. It is during Jesus' last supper that Jesus shared his dinner with all disciples. Thus the importance of Christian communion is very vast. The last supper, Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, and his resurrection after that are all events that will make us remember the sacrifice Jesus has done for the salvation of ordinary people and the sake and saving of humanity.
The Last Supper Story
The last supper story has many reported pieces of evidence worldwide. The Passover was the most sacred feast of the Jewish religious year. It took place during the end phase of the plague that was spread in Egypt. But the Egyptians died, and Israelites were spared during this time. The Israelites were not affected by the epidemic as they had sprinkled the blood of a lamb on their doorstep. This saved them from dying from the plague. The lamb was then roasted and then eaten with unleavened bread. Jesus Christ commanded his disciples that this feast should be celebrated by generations that have to come.
The story is recorded in Exodus 12. It was during the last supper that Jesus took out a bread that was prepared by two of his disciples and started to divide them. As he broke it and gave it to his disciples, he said, “this is my body given for you; Do this in remembrance of me.” Jesus took the wine in the cup and said to his disciples that this is not wine; instead, my blood is poured out for you. He concluded the feast by reciting a hymn, and they all moved to the Mount of Olives at night. As predicted, it was there that Judas betrayed Jesus. The following day Jesus was crucified.
Evidences of Jesus’ Last Supper
The evidence of Jesus’ last supper is found in the Gospels. The Apostle Paul wrote concerning the Lord’s Supper in first Corinthians 11:23- 29.
Paul included a statement not found in the Gospels. A person has to analyze or examine himself before he eats the bread and drinks the wine. It is not just merely bread and wine but should be given the respect of god as it is his body and blood itself. Anyone who eats the bread and drinks the wine without analyzing himself and recognizing his mistakes and who does not confess them is doing a great sin.
Those who are not treating the bread and wine in an unworthy manner are also making a great mistake. What does it mean to treat the bread and wine last supper in an unworthy manner? Treating the bread and wine in an unworthy manner can be in different ways. Either it can be in a way that we do not regard the bread and wine as the god himself and give the extreme respect, or it can be in a sense where we turn the feast merely into a dead ceremony without following what is said by the god and not by confessing our sins. According to the instructions given by Paul, the most important thing we have to follow before eating the bread and drinking the wine is to examine ourselves.
What is the Last Supper Conveying to us?
The last supper in the bible conveys to us mainly two messages. Jesus, by dividing and sharing the bread and wine among all his disciples, is showing us the message of sharing and caring. Moreover, Jesus denotes the bread and wine last supper as his body and blood. Therefore one should analyze themselves before having them. It shows that we should look into ourselves and clear our own mistakes before looking on to others. It is also a great occasion to remember the renunciation of Jesus Christ for the salvation of ordinary people.
The Last Supper and Jesus’ Objective Behind It
Although Jesus knew that one of his disciples would betray him, he shared his last supper with his disciples itself. It shows the forgiveness that Jesus Christ had even for those he already knew that they would betray him and push him to death. Jesus is himself exemplifying to us that forgiveness is an essential quality that anyone must possess in life. With the resurrection of Jesus after the crucifixion, God himself proves that the goodness and power of God will always have the ultimate victory over all evil.
The Last Supper Painting
The Last Supper is one of the famous paintings of the famous artist - "Leonardo da Vinci".
This painting describes the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus which was done with 12 Apostles.
It is one of the most celebrated works of Leonardo da Vinci.
The time period of this painting was 1495 - 1498.
It is located in Milan, Italy at Santa Maria Delle Grazie.
It measures 460 × 880 cm.
Thus, in this article we have covered information about the Last Supper which was associated with Jesus. This supper was supposed to be taken a day before Jesus was crucified. This signifies the concept of sharing. "The Last Supper" painting of Leonardo da Vinci of the 15th Century is considered as one of the important and remarkable works in history which represent the Last dinner of Jesus with his disciples.
FAQs on Last Supper - A Divine Dinner Dedicated to Jesus
1. Why is the last supper of Jesus Christ significant in the Christain community?
First of all, the last supper of Jesus Christ is not an important event to the Christian community only but is an important event that enlightens the entire world. In the current world, Last Supper is important as it is a way to remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It also emphasizes the ideology of humanity that many people lack in the current world. The Jesus Christ last supper also encourages us to look onto our sins and believe in God almighty.
2. What are the essential messages that Jesus Christ conveys through his last supper?
There are several messages that Jesus Christ spreads through the event of the last supper. Among them, the important one being the message of kindness and humanity. He divided the bread and wine among his disciples to convey the message of sharing. He shares his last supper with his disciples, knowing that one of them would betray him. Jesus Christ is showing us the power and necessity of forgiveness in one’s life. Moreover, Last Supper is an event that makes us remember the sacrifice he had made to save humankind.
3. Answer the following:
Why is the Last Supper important?
How many people were there at the Last Supper?
Who made the painting of the Last Supper?
When did the painting was made and what was its measure?
The answers are given below:
It is considered as one of the important events in the history of Christianity. It is said to be the last supper that Jesus has with his 12 Apostles before his arrest.
There were said to be twelve apostles in the Last Supper with Jesus.
The famous artist, Leonardo da Vinci, made the painting of the Last Supper.
The painting of the Last supper was made in the 15th century and it took almost 3 years and the measurement of the painting is 460 × 880 cm.