Full Form of EVS
With the increase of the environmental concerns over decades now, most of the schools from quite some time now have introduced a subject commonly known as EVS as a primary subject of studying right from the elementary level all over the world. Not only schools but colleges as well as many universities have introduced this subject in graduation, post-graduation as well as doctoral level for specializations and research subjects.
Environmental studies (EVS full form) mostly concerns the study of environmental scenarios. So the study deals with the investigations and studies demonstrating the things that are happening to the environment or in the environment in terms of science, history and geography. For example, the study of pollution in evs will first cover the historical aspect of it in terms of when and how the environmental pollution started and then the geographical aspect of where all the pollution is more and which kind of pollutants are found where on earth and finally the scientific study of the pollutants and their microscopic as well as macroscopic characteristics derived from many experimental values. The spectrum that is covered under environmental studies (EVS full form) safety, health, manmade and natural resources, disaster management, resources and their conservations and the types of jobs that fall under the EVS subject full form).
But many of the students in their elementary schools do not understand “what is the full form of evs?” and what is evs subject all about”. Thus this article is dedicated to clear the understanding of the subject along with answering some basic questions related to EVS like “what is the full form of evs or evs subject full form” and “scope, importance and significance of this subject in recent times.
EVS Subject Full Form
EVS is a very common acronym and evs full form in english is “environmental studies” and as the name suggests it is basically the study of the environment that involves climatic changes, pollutants in the air, air-condition and condition of everything living on the earth atmosphere in rest to the environmental situations and crises.
EVS as a subject covers a wide range of subjects and attempts to teach students about the day to day life in the earth’s atmosphere. The environmental components comprise everything that supports life on the planet earth directly or indirectly that can be anything living such as plants, animals or insects as well as non-living things such as soil, air or water. The living organism is in continuous and steady interactions with the environment and changes / evolves itself with nature to get adapted to the changing environment. But as our natural habitat comprises mostly of non-living substances such as soil, air and water that supports our day to day living, that are incapable to adapt the changing climatic conditions.
Thus with the increase in globalization, man-made habitats as well as capitalism, the pollutant levels are increasing at an alarming rate polluting most of the air and layers of earth atmosphere, land and mostly water making it unsuitable for marine life. They are also decreasing the natural habitat of the animals and birds due to deforestations. It has resulted in the extinction of many species that include marine as well as land and many of them have become rare and are on the verge of extension. This has disturbed the environmental cycle of nature.
However, the evs subject not only includes the scientific, physical as well as biological aspect of the environment but it also greatly deals with the social, cultural and the economical factors that affect the environment in various forms directly or indirectly. Thus it is a multidisciplinary subject that helps in establishing a relationship of human interactions with nature in a systematic way. This also includes the interaction of nature with the build-up environment.
Importance of Studying Environmental Studies
Today the environment including the climate, land and water in our ecosystem has depleted to a higher level causing many side effects to the ecological balance and hence the existence of all living organisms are under threat. The increase in the reported case of wealth and life loss due to natural calamities and the extinction of natural resources and living species with the loss in their natural habitat is a red flag in itself. Thus it has been a primary responsibility as well as a requirement to save the environment. And for that, it is very important to be aware of the biological, sociological as well as geographical aspect of the environment that only environmental study as a subject can provide. Thus, here are the few major reasons stating the importance of environmental studies (evs subject full form).
The environmental issues that we talk about are just not limited to a particular city or a country but it has become a global phenomena. Change in monsoon pattern, current ocean tides, heavy melting of glaciers as well as change in the velocity and pattern of wind flow are all subjected to climatic change and to improve the situation, much-required effort and planned investment of the resources are needed from almost all the countries around the globe. For this the basic requirement from each country is to have a detailed research study in finding the best possible solutions to this problem.
Environment has a lot to contribute to reducing the class difference between a developed nation and a developing nation. It is because the wealth of a country depends on the resource available to them and how efficiently it is converted to consumable forms. As the developed nations have more knowledge about the modern technologies and its implications than the developing countries, they are able to generate more wealth. Thus the know-how of the technologies and methods to extract and convert natural resources for generating wealth is very important.
To know the process of sustainable development is very necessary in order to preserve the needs of future generations without compromising on their future development. Thus sustainable development and environmental conservation are two flip sides of a coin that are complementary to one another.
Conservation and preservation of the quality of nature and the environment with its components are very essential in maintaining the integrity of the natural environment. The basic study of the environment helps in acquiring knowledge of how this conservation can be done in a short period of time.
Many industries these days have switched to various modes of eco-friendly technologies and eco-friendly alternatives as resources and products. This has helped create awareness about the damage of the ecological system due to the heavy production of hazardous wastes in form of smog or wastewater. Thus the study for such alternative resources will help cut the level of pollutants from the environment.
Managing the rising waste in every country due to the increase in industries and excavation processes has become a huge threat to nature. Due to lack of knowledge and proper waste treatment system in most of the industries including the big scale ones are flowing it out into the rivers or oceans causing damage to marine lives and the air pollutants are depleting the atmospheric layers including the very important ozone layer that filters the harmful UV radiations coming from the sun that is one of the major cause of skin cancer.
To have a complete and advanced understanding of saving energy will ultimately lead to the reduction in the carbon footprints in nature, saves money and have a positive impact on the environment by keeping it clean and green.
EVS: Significance and Scope
Some of the significant scope areas of environmental studies are:
Conservation of natural resources
Finding alternative eco-friendly resources to replace hazardous products causing environmental damages.
Gaining knowledge about natural disasters and finding methods and tips to prevent them or to manage fewer collateral damages caused by them.
Studying the types of energy and the way to their sustainability.
Study the biological as well as social aspect of the environment and its safety.
Knowledge about the types and chemical compositions of pollutants helps in developing scientific methods to control pollution.
Study of the types of energies there in nature.
Environmental Education in India
Promoting environmental studies in India, particularly in the elementary and now in higher school levels have taken a serious turn. In 2003, the supreme court in India made environmental studies mandatory for all schools to be incorporated as the main curriculum. Later on, as per the modification of this mandate, the schools are required to include project-based environmental education and for that, the central government has granted proper incentives and concessions to each school to be able to conduct such practical based study of the subject and holding various programs for awareness at the school levels. Thus many schools that were earlier just focused on the theoretical method of studying the subject have shifted to both theoretical and practical methods of studying and evaluating. According to UNESCO data, India holds almost 1.3 billion schools that promote environmental conservation through EVM Studies as the main subject along with other subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology etc.
FAQs on EVS Full Form
Q1. What is the meaning of EVS subject?
Ans. The EVS subject is a combination of three components of studies, namely, history, geography and science. This subject focuses on the exploration, development and conservation of nature and its elements with a vivid understanding of the human, social and cultural dimensions of the wider environment.
Q2. Who developed the term EVS?
Ans. Ernest Haeckel coined the term EVS but only in the 1980s that this word became famous and mostly appeared in various environmentEnglish-related studies.
Q3. Why is EVS engineering important?
Ans. The major goal of EVs engineering is societal development keeping in mind the sustainable development of the natural resources including air, soil and water. Thus the goal can be achieved with the proper management and the application of these natural resources so that the damage to the environment because of social development can be minimized.