Ethanol Formulas - Chemical Formula for Ethanol
undefinedundefinedMolecular Formula: C2H5OH
Molar Mass: 46.07 gm/mol
Density: 789 kg/m3
Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol is volatile flammable and colourless liquid. It can be obtained from fermentation of sugar or plant materials (biomass). It is the intoxicating ingredient of alcoholic beverages and is also used as a solvent, in explosives, and as an additive to or replacement for petroleum-based fuels.
Molar Mass: 46.07 gm/mol
Density: 789 kg/m3
Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol is volatile flammable and colourless liquid. It can be obtained from fermentation of sugar or plant materials (biomass). It is the intoxicating ingredient of alcoholic beverages and is also used as a solvent, in explosives, and as an additive to or replacement for petroleum-based fuels.
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