Cofactor of a Matrix Formula
A Cofactor is used to calculate the inverse of the matrix, adjoined. The Cofactor is the number you obtain when you eliminate the row and column of an assigned element in a matrix, which is just a numerical grid in the form of a square or a rectangle.
The cofactor is invariably preceded by a positive (+) or negative (-) sign. Suppose that A be an n x n matrix and Mij be the (n – 1) x (n – 1) matrix we get by removing the ith row and jth column. Then, detMij is referred to as the minor of aij. The cofactor matrix formula Aij of aij is described by:
Cofactor Expansion Formula
One way of finding out the determinant of an n×n matrix A is to use the following formula known as the cofactor formula.
Choose any i∈{1,…..,n} Then
det(A)=(−1)i+1Ai,1det(A(i∣1))+(−1)i+2Ai,2 det(A(i∣2))+⋯..+(−1)i+nAi,n det(A(i∣n))
Quite frequently we say that the right-hand side (RHS) is the cofactor expansion of the determinant along row i. (The cofactor expansion formula can thus be proved straight out from the definition of the determinant).
There is as well a formula for expanding along column j:
det(A)=(−1)1+jA1,jdet(A(1∣j))+(−1)2+jA2,jdet(A(2∣j))+⋯..+ (−1)n+jAn,jdet(A(n∣j))
At times, one also uses Ci,j to represent (−1)i+j
det(A(i∣j)). We call Ci,j a cofactor of A.
Thus, the cofactor expansion along row i could be expressed as
det(A)=∑j=1nAi,jCi,j,det(A)=∑j=1nAi,jCi,j, and the cofactor expansion along column j could be written as det(A)=∑i=1nAi,jCi,j
We can also use a determinant calculator using cofactor expansion.
Solved Examples
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Thus, the minor of a32 is the determinant of this 2 x 2 matrix.
Because the matrix is triangular, the determinant is the product of the diagonals.
(2) (4) = 8
FAQs on Cofactor Formula
Q1. How are Minors and Cofactors Important?
Answer: The acquaintance with Minors and Cofactors is compulsory for calculating adjoint of a matrix and thus in its inverse and also in the calculation of determinant of a square matrix. This method of calculating determinants is called Cofactor Expansion.
Q2: Can We Say That the Adjoint is Similar to the Reverse?
Answer: The adjoint of a matrix is also called the adjugate of a matrix. It implies the transpose of the cofactor matrix of that specific matrix. For a matrix A, the representation of adjoint is as adj (A). On the contrary, the inverse of a matrix A refers to a matrix which when multiplied by matrix A, is consequent in an identity matrix. There is also a particular formula to find adjoint of a matrix.
Q3: What is Meant by Rank of a Matrix?
Answer: The rank of a matrix means the maximum number of linearly independent column vectors that remains in the matrix. In addition, it is also the maximum number of linearly independent row vectors that remains in the matrix.