Learn about the the Story of Village Palampur
The story of Palampur deals with a few fundamental concepts regarding production, and that has been depicted through a hypothetical village named Palampur. In the first part, you will get an introduction to the village, all the places that are connected to it, transport system, number of families, etc.
As this story progresses, you will get a hold of the production part, different concepts regarding that, a few instances excerpted from the villages and also the process of farming.
Details from the Introductory Part of Village Palampur Class 9
In this story, it is mentioned that Palampur has around 450 families and people residing there are from different caste and creeds. Those people are solely dependent on farming, and around 80 families from the upper caste possess the maximum portion of land in that village.
All the tube wells are connected with electricity and are used in small businesses, different kinds of transports are available as well, there is a health care centre for any sort of primary emergency, houses have sufficient electricity as well.
Since small businesses require electricity on a daily basis, the Government takes enough care of this part to make it convenient for those small business owners. All these instances like sufficient electricity, ease in transportation, health care centre and a private dispensary to help these villagers, etc. have made Palampur quite well-developed.
Production Stages
In this story, production requirements have been mentioned along with all the resources. It requires getting the work done. In terms of production requirements, there are four factors that matter, such as land, labour, physical capital, and enterprise, and among them, the most important factor remains land.
All the natural resources such as water, minerals, forests are also part of the first factor and mandatory to keep the production going. In the case of labour, depending upon the type of work, one may require hard working labourers or highly educated people to finish that specific task. And, the third requirement being physical capital, it includes all kinds of capital such as fixed capitals like tools, buildings, machines, etc., working capital like money and raw materials, etc.
Apart from all these, this production process also requires proper knowledge, and enterprise to utilise all these resources and make something worthy. In the story of village Palampur Class 9, all of these important factors of production have been elaborated, including the human capital, which is equally vital.
Farming: Main Production Activity
In the village of Palampur Class 9, you can find this story revolving around different kinds of production activities, such as farming and non-farming activities. Farming is the main activity one can witness here as the majority of people depend on this for a sustainable living. However, there are some non-farming activities mentioned as well, like small-scale manufacturing (for instance weaving, pottery), transport, dairy, etc.
Changes Required in Farm Activities:
Even though agricultural areas are limited, farmers have managed to make fair use of those small portions, and barren land has been developed for this purpose as well. Over the years, multiple changes have been made in order to improve the concept of farming and that have helped the cultivators to produce crops even in that limited amount of land. From the story of village Palampur images, one can get a hold of all these important aspects of farm activities.
Some Changes that Have Helped the Farming Process Grow are-
Multiple-cropping farming which involves growing one crop within a year on a particular agricultural area.
Inculcating modern farming methods to make it easier for the farmers.
In the later part of the story of village Palampur, one can come across the Green revolution, which was initially considered as a turning point. This phase also made an impact on the agricultural lands due to the excessive use of chemical fertilisers. Soil fertility was hampered due to this, even use of groundwater for tube well irrigation also impacted the water-table and reduced it below the ground.
FAQs on The Story of Village Palampur: Economic Insights
1. Where do the farmers arrange the capital needed in farming from?
The capital required in farming is arranged from various places that the cultivators find convenient. For most small farmers, it is the moneylenders, large farmers, and traders that come to the rescue. Also, medium and large farmers usually depend on their own savings to establish their farming.
According to the story of village Palampur summary, the maximum amount of fund is required to buy essentials like fertilisers, seeds, pesticides, etc. In order to arrange those funds farmers usually avoid taking informal loans as the rate of interest for those is relatively higher. Although, with so many new agricultural schemes by the Government, farmers can get loans from banks at an affordable interest rate.
2. How is land distributed between the farmers in this story of palampur class 9?
As the story suggests, Palampur has 450 families from different caste and creeds, and out of those people, the Dalits and some other backward castes do not even own land. Nearly 240 families from that total possess plots that are less than 2 hectares in size which clearly shows that their income from that agricultural property is very poor. Only 60 families who are medium and large farmers can own more than 2 hectares of land.
3. Why was the green revolution marked as a turning point for the agricultural industry?
Back in 1960, farmers witnessed a rise in the production of food crops, and this Green Revolution was the reason behind it. The wheat crop in India was cultivated enormously, and the agricultural industry was earning a massive amount of profit out of it.
Calling this phase a turning point has many reasons, like the growing production of grains, massive stock of all kinds of food items, etc. Since this revolution made the country salt sufficient, growing all these food products was even easier, and later got utilised whenever natural calamities like flood and droughts appeared.
4. What are the non-farm activities in Palampur?
Apart from farming, 25% of the people employed in Palampur work in other occupations.Aside from agriculture, dairy is a commonplace activity. Milk is made and sold in the surrounding cities and villages.People use basic methods to engage in small-scale production at home or in the fields.Palampur traders are shopkeepers who acquire products from wholesale markets and sell them in their hometown. Rice, wheat, sugar, tea, oil biscuits, toothpaste, and soap are all available at general stores. Essentials such as notebooks, candles, and pens can be found.
5. Is it possible to grow more from the same plot of land for the people of Palampur?
Jowar and Bajra are grown during the rainy season. Cattle are fed with them. Potatoes are grown throughout the months of October to December. Wheat is grown by farmers throughout the wet season. A portion of the property is used to grow sugarcane, which is collected once a year and sold to traders as jaggery.Multiple cropping is another name for this.The most popular technique to improve production on a single piece of land is to use multiple crops. Farmers formerly relied on low-yielding conventional seeds for cultivation.The Green Revolution in the late 1960s, allowing farmers to grow more grain in less time.
6. What are the specifications for producing goods and services?
For the Production of Goods and Services, there are Four Major Requirements:
Water, forests, and minerals are examples of natural resources,Labour for harvesting,Physical assets such as tools, machinery, structures, raw materials, and money capital are all types of capital,the ability to combine land, labour, and physical capital to generate a marketable product is known as enterprise.
7. Describe how land is distributed among farmers in palampur?
Farming requires a lot of land. Unfortunately, not everyone in Palampur has access to sufficient agricultural land. Only 240 families out of 450 in Palampur cultivate plots less than 2 hectares, and 150 dalit families are landless. More than 2 hectares of land are cultivated by the remaining 60 families of middle and large farmers. A few major farmers own land that spans 10 hectares or more.
Cultivation on pieces of land smaller than 2 hectares does not provide sufficient revenue for the farmer's family. On the other hand, half of the community is covered in plots that are rather huge. As a result, land distribution in Palampur is uneven.
8. Palampur, who offers agricultural labour? How are they compensated for their efforts?
Labour is the second most important factor in production, behind land. Small farmers cultivate their own land with the help of their family members. As a result, they give the labour required for their own agricultural land.
Farm labourers have no claim to the crops that are cultivated on the property. They are compensated in the following ways:
Wages are paid in cash or in kind, i.e. cash.
The government has set a minimum pay of Rs 60 per day for farm labourers.
They are sometimes hired on a daily basis and sometimes for the entire year.