What is a Memorandum?
A memorandum is a form of official interdepartmental communication that is used to convey essential decisions or information. A memorandum is thought to be a step below a formal letter and often contains details needed for specific meetings, projects, policies or others. So what is a memorandum? A memorandum’s definition is that it is essentially an intra-office tool for communication usable to announce specific events or changes. A memorandum or memo for short is a way of communication that is also recorded for posterity. Memos are usually issued when vital changes have been made to a company’s policy or one of its projects. A memorandum definition and example can be seen in the image below:
(Image Will Be Uploaded Soon)
The memorandum letter that is displayed above displays the kind of topic this tool is often used for. An office memorandum’s meaning should be clear and concise to make sure information is delivered with no possible misunderstanding. Office memorandums are a little different from normal memorandums. So what do you mean by an office memorandum? An office memorandum meaning a memo issued by a member of a governing body or an organization is simply a method of communication which will convey certain details between two members (or department heads in some cases) of the same organization/governing body.
Purpose of a Memorandum
A memo can have many uses and this versatility combined with its official capacity is why it is used quite often in an organization. The uses of a memorandum are as follows:
A way to transfer knowledge of a specific process
To convey specific details on a project
To request specific information
To offer suggestions on a matter
To report to a superior
To offer congratulations or positive news
To share ideas
Advantage of a Memorandum
Memos are a timesaving mode of communication and are quite convenient to use. (especially with an intranet)
Given that memos are intra-office, there will be no need to use expensive paper. The recycled paper will be acceptable.
Memos are stored for the future, and such can be referred later if needed.
How to Write a Memorandum
Memorandum writing consists of multiple segments. A memorandum paper comes with the following parts:
The Header: The head segment can be split into four parts:
To: Enter the recipient’s name and position
From: Enter the sender’s name and position
Date: Enter the date of sending
Subject: Enter a short reason for the memo
Opening Segment: The opening should contain a brief version of why this memo is necessary, so the recipient knows exactly what is happening.
Context: If there are any specific reasons or circumstances for the memo, they can be listed in this section.
Action Segment: This segment should be used to instruct the recipient on any steps to be taken or tasks to be performed related to the context or subject of the memo. One should be clear and specific about this task to avoid any confusion later on.
Summarizing: While memos should be short, some can turn out to be rather long based on the subject in question. In such cases, a memo should also carry a summary to help the recipient (or recipients) understand what is required and why.
Discussion: if necessary, one can attach this segment to convey the various ideas that lead to the reason for this memo and the possible policy behind it.
Closing Segment: This segment should end the memo politely and in a positive note to help initiate whatever action may be required. It is also important that any needed attachments supporting the content in the memo be displayed as well.
The Points To Remember Before Sending Memo
A memorandum, short for the memo, is just a message that is given from one department to another for informing. There have been a lot of changes today. There is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which helps to make a mutual agreement on the actions taken.
However, there are cases where you need to be very careful about the way you format a memo. Some important points have to be remembered. The subject line must be clear and specific. In such a way that the recipient can understand what it is actually about from the subject line itself. Lengthy memos are so boring since usually, people prefer to get it within the short matter delivered. While addressing the recipient, always write in an active voice and in the first person. The language used must be formal and should not be bringing friendly and slang words in between. It won’t look professional that way.
For making the matter short and crisp, it is advised to use bullet points. Also using the coloured text fonts will help you to highlight them and for getting noticed soon. Proofreading the whole content will help us get rid of the sentences that look like they are written rudely. And for closing the memo, students don’t need to leave their signature or so.
Memos Today!
When organizations prefer to go paperless, do you think you can still spot the memos? Maybe in schools or so you can see the memos sent for informing very relevant information to be noticed. Otherwise, everything happens over the internet. And just like you are thinking, the biggest competition for the memo is E-mail.
Even though the purpose of memos is to deliver the information, sometimes they are taken as passively aggressive matters. This is because there is no kind of addressing in a way of respect. Everything is written in a way like the other party doesn’t need it to be approved or give a comment. While the digital system helps us to record the response as well. And it differs a lot based on the delivery type.
Many offices are still hanging on to the culture of sending memos. This is because it is delivered right away to that person directly. More formatting styles are present for memos and also it takes a more professional approach in other words.
FAQs on Memorandum: Meaning and Format
1. Are there any important points to remember when it comes to Memo-writing?
Memo writing is a skill that allows for better communication; here are a few tips one should know about them:
One should avoid slang when writing a memo.
It is recommended that memos always use active voice.
Personal office memos may use the first person.
A memo is an official document, so it is important to be formal.
The information to be written should have a logical progression and arrangement for better understanding.
If bullet points are possible, they should be used.
Given the official nature, it is best to be polite
Always proofread your memo
2. How to send a Memorandum?
In the old times, memos were distributed by hand or by designated employees. While it still may be the case in a few places today, it is no longer the norm. Memos are often sent by email and are usually sent as an attachment with information in the subject of the email itself. This saves on paper and allows for instantaneous distribution of a memorandum. However, personal memorandums can be distributed in person if a discussion is in order.
3. What are the different ways a Memorandum can be used?
While memos are meant to be official, they are also not entirely formal either. This is why memos are used in all organizations for reasons as simple as “how to use the office coffee machine” to something as serious as budget cuts and loss of employment. Memos are usually for internal use and are used for all manner of purposes regardless of how small or big. Today, most memorandums are often sent via mail or through an organization’s intranet.
4. What does MOU mean?
The agreement between two or more parties is formulated using MOU. It can also be called to be a starter of negotiations. Since it will be included in the working and purpose of the memorandum. An agreement will be made between all the parties who are engaged with it. Although it is not bound legally, the matter inside the memo signals for only following what is asked or requested.
5. List out the features of the memorandum.
The purpose of the memo will be specific and will be oriented on just one topic.
The matter inside will be short and crisp. It would be written in direct and simple sentences addressing the matter.
The language used won’t be ambiguous but would be simple and polite.
The action that needs to be taken will be written at the end.
The subject matter will be written already on the top, so it won’t be that much time taking.
6. How important is a memorandum?
A memo is usually considered an internal communication mode. Whatever be the event happening is made to let it be noticed by every working member or associated present in there. So if a sudden policy change happens, it is informed via a memo. The mode of requesting help, asking for suggestions also can be done via memorandum. The information delivered can be used as a reference for the future as well for recording the changes happened so far or on the progress.
7. Have you heard of an audit memorandum?
The audit memorandum is nothing but the final stage of an audit conducted. The matter recorded in each phase of the audit is taken and is used for summarizing. And this is done as a memorandum stating all the progress, results, mistakes, suggestions and plans.
It will have the content elaborating the background, the scope and also the effectiveness felt after taking the audit.
8. What do you know about the memorandum of association?
To start with defining a memorandum of association, students must keep in mind that a memorandum of association is a legal document. It is usually completed while registering the company. Within everything regarding the company policies, the purpose will be detailed. And also the relation of the company with the shareholders and agreement will be stated. As a result, the power of the company and the basic rights both the parties are acquiring will be understood in this way.