What is Product Branding and Packaging?
Branding and Packaging are two important concepts of Marketing and should be thoughtfully strategized. Both branding and packaging revolve around the brand throughout the world. Brand packaging helps to build a concise brand personality, attract new customers, and retains loyal customers.
With all the speculations about branding over the past few years, it is important to understand the difference between Branding and Packaging.
Here, we will discuss Branding and Packaging meaning and their differences.
What is Branding?
Branding is a marketing strategy that is used to develop different names, images, or logos of a product to seek the attention of the customers. The main aim of branding is to deliver a unique identity to a product that is different from the product of other companies. It not merely creates an impression of the product in the customer’s mind but also creates expectations among the customer regarding their brand. Companies consider branding as a marketing tool to make the customers aware of the product.
The process of branding is not stagnant but continuous and it is used by the marketers to create long-term relationships with the customers by determining their changing requirements and delivering them the products that fulfill their requirements. A product can be easily distinguished among customers because of its branding.
Branding plays an important role when the marketer is in a position to develop a brand value for the customers i.e they should be able to convince the customers that their product is significantly different from others in the market. A brand-conscious custom selects a particular brand that he/has complete faith in, and does not even think about trying other products.
There are varied components of branding, for example, selecting a unique logo, name, image, colour, and style for the product to make it peculiar from similar products created by its competitors. Brands act as a means of offering ownership and providing a unique brand name to their product to differentiate it from the brands of their competitors.
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What is Packaging?
After Branding, another important term to be considered is Packaging on which brand marks and brand name is prominently displayed. Sometimes the packaging itself is a part of the brand. For example, the curvaceous shape of a Coca- Cola bottle is a registered trade, and if any other party decides to sell their product in a similar shaped bottle, Coca-cola attorneys have the authority to sue them.
The other important function that packaging has to fulfill includes:
Communicating the brand name and its benefits.
Prohibit leakage of the content.
Effective product packaging protects the product from being damaged and contaminated during shipment, as well as damage and tampering once it is found in retail stores.
Presenting warnings required by the government and information labels.
Sometimes packaging can fulfill other functions also, such as acting as part of a promotional display designed to enhance the offering.
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Branding V/s Packaging
Following are the points on difference between brand packaging:
Branding is basically a tool used to develop a peculiar image of a product/service in the eyes of customers so as to attract the attention of the customers towards the product and build trust within them. Also, branding helps to differentiate the product from similar products/services offered by competitors in the market. On the other hand, packaging meaning refers to the process through which the container, packet, wrapper, or cover for enclosing a product is designed, perfectly evaluated, and produced.
Branding aims to offer a unique identity to a product and to make it different from other products in the market. On the other hand, the packaging is to promote the product and to keep it safe from any kind of damage. Packaging ensures that consumers get their desired product in its authentic condition.
The different elements of branding include name, sign, logo, colour, etc., whereas packaging comprises colour, logo, font, description of the product, etc.
Branding helps the company to establish trust and long-term relationships with customers. It plays a crucial role in customer retention and increasing loyalty among customers. On the other hand, packaging helps customers to be aware of the product.
Branding and Packaging Difference in Tabular Form
FAQs on Differentiate Between Branding and Packaging
1. What Does Product Packaging Mean?
Ans: Packaging means creating the exterior of the product. This includes alternatives in materials, graphics, font, colours, that are used to wrap a box, can, bottle, or any kind of container. Like any other good design, product packaging is also a sensual experience, truly engaging through sight, touch, and sound ( probably smell and taste, depending on product/package). All of these help us to understand what the enclosed product is used for, who should use it, and, maybe most importantly, it helps us to decide whether we should buy a product or not.
2. What Defines a Brand?
Ans: A company brand name puts its product or service across to consumers clearly and memorably. The important component of a brand includes a logo, name, an overall style, and a slogan. Your brand may represent the attributes and image of the product or service which will then convert to the positive feeling that consumers have about you and your product. A brand enables companies to stand out in a competitive market place whether they are large or small.
3. Can the Brand Mark Be Modified Slightly?
Ans: Brandmark is a symbol that represents a product or service. Effective brand marks achieve immediate recognition in the market and give an immediate message about the quality of the company they represent. Brand marks cannot be modified even slightly as effective branding keeps the basic look of a logo or mark consistent and familiar.
4. What are the 3 Different P’s of Packaging?
Ans: The 3 P’s of packaging are preservation, presentation, and protection.