What is Copper Hydroxide?
Copper hydroxide is the resultant compound that is formed due to the addition of potassium or sodium hydroxide in a solution of copper salt. One of the distinguishing elements of copper hydroxide is its pale blue color. Mainly copper hydroxide can be found in the form of crystalline structure. Another common way of preparing copper hydroxide is by adding aqueous ammonia into cupric sulfate. Then the hydroxide is precipitated from the solution while adding the same amount of alkali. It is quite a commonly used compound in laboratories.
What is the Formula for Copper Hydroxide?
The formula of copper hydroxide is given by Cu(OH)2. Some of the most common names of copper hydroxide are cuprous hydroxide, cupric hydroxide and lastly copper(2+) hydroxide, which is actually its IUPAC name.
Structure of Copper Hydroxide
Cu(OH)2 has a square pyramidal structure. By using x-ray crystallography, the structure of copper hydroxide can be easily derived. The distance between Cu-O in the plane region is kept at 1.96 Å, whereas the axial region has a difference of 2.36 Å. As for the hydroxide ligands, they are either found in doubly bridging or triply bridging.
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Physical Properties of Copper Hydroxide
Chemical Properties of Copper Hydroxide
Copper hydroxide forms copper sulfate and water when reacted with sulfuric acid. The chemical equation is given by:
Cu(OH)2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2 H2O
Copper hydroxide forms copper nitrate and water when it reacts with nitric acid. The chemical equation is given by:
Cu(OH)2 + 2HNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2H2O
What happens when copper hydroxide is heated? It actually produces copper oxide, CuO, which is a black colored solid. The chemical equation is:
Cu(OH)2 (s) → CuO (s) + H2O (l)
It is mildly amphoteric in nature.
It can dissolve slightly in concentrated alkaline solutions.
Important Chemical Reactions
We all know what is the chemical formula of copper hydroxide, but the same can also be found in the form of minerals. It is known as spertiniite. The green coating we can find on copper materials is due to the slow reaction with carbon dioxide in the air, which forms copper carbonate. The chemical reaction is given by:
2 Cu(OH)2 + CO2 → Cu2CO3(OH)2 + H2O
Copper Hydroxide Uses
Down below is a list of some of the most common applications on what is copper hydroxide used for:
Copper hydroxide, when mixed with Schweizer’s Reagent (also known as ammonia solution), has the capability to actually get dissolved in cellulose
The intriguing property of copper hydroxide is actually used in the production of rayon, which is a cellulose-based fiber.
It is heavily used in aquaculture in order to destroy external microbes in fishes, which includes flukes, marine velvet as well as brook, without providing any harm to the fish. Other compounds of copper are also effective, but one of their biggest drawbacks is the higher mortality in fishes.
Copper hydroxide used in agriculture is also effective, as it can readily work as an excellent fungicide.
Copper hydroxide packed with latex paint is most effective in keeping the root growth in check for potted plants.
This actually results in a dense and healthier root without compromising the space that is required to grow them.
Lastly, copper hydroxide is also used as a ceramic colourant.
Solved Questions
Example 1
Whenever copper hydroxide reacts with an excess amount of ammonium sulphate and ammonium hydroxide, it turns into a deep blue solution. So, what is the formula of the solution?
a) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4
b) [Cu(NH4)4]SO4
c) [Cu(NH4)3]SO4
d) [Cu(NH3)3]SO3
The reaction between copper hydroxide along with ammonium sulphate and ammonium hydroxide is given by:
CuCl2 + (NH4)2SO4 + 2NH4OH ⟶ 4H2O + [Cu(NH3)4]SO4
So, the right answer is:
a) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4, which is actually a characteristic property of Cu2+
Example 2
Among the following compounds, which of the following is more likely to be a soluble base?
a) Cu(OH)2
b) Ga(OH)3
c) Ca(OH)2
d) Zn(OH)2
e) Zr(OH)3
The answer is:
c) Ca(OH)2
FAQs on Copper Hydroxide
1. What is the difference between Copper(II) Hydroxide and Copper Oxychloride?
One of the major differences between copper hydroxide and copper oxychloride is based on the type of compound they are. While copper hydroxide can be categorized into an inorganic compound, copper oxychloride is actually an organic compound. Differences can be found in their usages. While copper oxychloride is primarily used as a fungicide, copper hydroxide is kept as an alternative from the same. Some other usage of copper hydroxide is in the production of rayon, which is actually a cellulose-based fiber. Furthermore, another physical difference between them is the color. You can find copper hydroxide in bluish-green color, while copper oxychloride is just green.
2. What is the difference between Hydroxyl and Hydroxide?
The only similarity that one can find between a hydroxyl and a hydroxide, is their similar chemical structure. When a particular group of atoms, one oxygen and hydrogen atom to be exact, forms a covalent bond with another molecule, it is termed as hydroxyl. On the contrary, the term hydroxide is used to refer to the anion that is formed with an oxygen and hydrogen atom. According to the IUPAC nomenclature, OH radicals are known as hydroxyl and –OH as hydroxyl. Another major difference between the two is that, while you can easily find the hydroxide group in free form, hydroxyl is not available in free form.