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CBSE Class 5 EVS Worksheet Chapter 15 Blow Hot Blow Cold - PDF


CBSE Class 5 Environmental Science Blow Hot Blow Cold - Download Free PDF

We blow on our hands when we feel very cold as it warms us up but we also blow on our hands when we get burnt as it provides relief from the hot and burning sensation. Isn’t that confusing and at the same time amazing? The chapter Blow Hot Blow Cold of EVS for Class 5 talks about this concept in an extremely interesting way with the story of a woodcutter and a short man named Mian Balishtiye. 

On a winter evening in the forest, the woodcutter goes to get wood but his hands start getting numb due to the extreme cold. The woodcutter blows hard on his hands to make them warm. When Mian Balishtiye saw it, he went up to the woodcutter to ask why he was blowing on his hands. The woodcutter replied that by blowing on his hands he could keep them warm. Mian Balishtiye said, "ok," but lingered around to keep a close watch on the woodcutter. 

When it was afternoon, the woodcutter was hungry and he made a chulha (stove) with stones and wood and started boiling potatoes in a bowl. Since the woods were damp, he had to blow on them to help them burn. Then the woodcutter takes out the potato from the bowl while it is too hot and starts blowing on it.

Mian Balishtiye gets surprised by this and again asks the woodcutter as to why he was blowing this time. When the woodcutter replies that he was trying to cool down the potatoes by blowing on them, Mian Balishtiye gets too scared and thinks that the woodcutter is a ghost as he can blow hot and blow cold with the same breath.

The main aim of this story is to make kids understand that that same process of blowing can produce heat as well as cool down things. The hot and cold worksheet also urges students to use their imagination to find out in what ways they can use their breath. The concept of which is hotter and which is colder is also taught through various pictorial examples. In this chapter, kids also learn how the flow of air can change the direction of movement of an object.

Access Worksheet for Class 5 EVS Chapter 15 - Blow Hot, Blow Cold

1. Fill in the Blanks:

  1. ________ used to blow on his hands to keep them warm in the winter.

  2. The instrument used to hear the heartbeats is called ___________.

  3. ________ thought woodcutter was a dangerous creature. 

  4. In a minute an adult breathes about _____ to _____ times.

  5.  The woodcutter picked up the two stones and made a _________.

2. Choose the correct option out of the following:

Which of  the following instruments is used by doctors to listen to the heartbeats of a patient?



  1. Telescope

  2. Stethoscope

  3. Microscope

  4. Gyroscope

 Infants can have up to ______ breathes per minute.

  1. 28

  2. 41

  3. 34

  4. 44

Which of the following is an air-played musical instrument?

  1. Flute

  2. Guitar

  3. Tabla

  4. Drums

Our heart beats faster when we do which of the following?

  1. Sleeping

  2. Sitting

  3. Running

  4. Meditating

3. Name the musical instruments shown in the Picture.

Acoustic guitar, Bagpipe and Tabla




Saxophone, Maracas and Trumpet




4. What is the easiest way of warming hands in winter?

5. How does it feel when we warm our cold hands?

6. Why does hot air rise up and cold air comes down?

7. Match the following from column 1 to column 2:

Column 1

Column 2

Flute and Shank are 

About forty to forty-four times.

An adult breathes about 

Hear heartbeats.

The human heart makes a 

Eight to sixteen times.

In a minute an infant breathes 

Air played musical instruments.

Stethoscopes are used to

Lub-dub sound.

8. Who is a woodcutter?

9. Why does the mirror gather water droplets when we blow on it?

10. Who was the curious little man in the story?

11. Why do we blow on hot objects?

12. What would happen if we ate hot objects?

13. What does a woodcutter do in winter?

14. Why does the woodcutter cope with the cold?

15. Who wrote the story Blow hot,Blow cold?

16. Put your hand in front of your mouth and blow air. What do you observe?

17. Put your hand a little bit away from your mouth. What do you observe now?

18. We blow for what all purposes?

19. What else can the hot air be used for?

20.How does air from the mouth help in cleaning spectacles?

Answer Key:


  1. Woodcutter

  2. Stethoscope

  3. Mian

  4. 8 to 16

  5. Chulha

2. (b)Stethoscope

    (d) 44

    (a) Flute

    (c) Running


(a) Acoustic guitar

(b) Bagpipe

(c) Tabla

(d) Saxophone

(e) Maracas

(f) Trumpet

Musical instruments of options (a), (c) and (e) do not play by blowing air into them.

4. We can warm our hands by blowing on them in winters. 

5. It feels cozy and comfortable.

6. Hot air is lighter than the surrounding cold air as there is more space between the molecules.


Column 1

Column 2

Flute and Shank are 

Air played musical instruments.

An adult breathes about 

Eight to sixteen times.

The human heart makes a 

Lub-dub sound.

In a minute an infant breathes 

About forty to forty-four times.

Stethoscopes are used to

Hear heartbeats.

8. A woodcutter is a person who cuts trees to supply wood to people.

9. The air we blow on the mirror is warm air, which when in contact with surrounding air cools down and turns into tiny water droplets.

10. Mian Blaishtiye was the curious little man in the story.

11. We blow on hot objects to make them a bit cooler.

12. We would burn our tongue and lips if we ate hot food without cooling them down.

13. The woodcutter blows on his cold hands in winter.

14. The woodcutter has to work throughout the year for his livelihood. Hence in winters he blows  on his hands to warm up his hands to make him feel warm and cozy.

15. Blow hot, Blow cold was written by Dr. Zakir Hussain.

16. When we blow air on our hand keeping it close to our mouth, the air feels warmer than the surrounding air.

17. When we blow air on our hands, keeping it at a distance, the air doesn't feel warm, this is particularly because the warm air gets mixed up with surrounding cold air.

18. We blow to keep our hands warm, to cool down hot food and even to blow off the candles.

19. As we know hot air rises up, so  it is also used in hot air balloons.

20. The air from our mouth contains moisture which when in contact with the surface of the spectacles, forms tiny droplets and helps us clean them.

Importance of Blow Hot Blow Cold Class 5 EVS Worksheet

This chapter introduces novel ideas to kids, which are extremely useful in our everyday lives. 

  • The difference between warm, cold, hot, and freezing become clear to children through examples and explanations in this chapter.

  • Through practical examples, kids understand how an object turns clockwise or anti-clockwise based on the flow direction of air.

  • They also learn that in emergency situations like getting hit on the head, a cold or hot compress helps in bringing down the swelling. This can prepare them to take necessary action if such a situation arises.

  • Through the concept of breathing, kids also learn how their breath rate goes up and down before and after a strenuous activity like jumping.

Examples of Blow Hot Blow Cold Class 5 EVS Worksheet

Blowing has many purposes, and the examples in this chapter show students to explore all the different ways blowing is used in our lives.

  • Why do you blow air for the following activities?

    • Playing flute

    • Blowing birthday candles

    • Blowing on cold hands

    • Blowing on a toy that rotates

  • Draw the instrument that doctors use to hear the heartbeat.

  • Measure the chest of three children when they breathe in and breathe out and find out the difference.

  • A number of pictures of instruments are provided (trumpet, flute, violin, guitar, drum, saxophone,) and kids have to choose and colour those instruments which make a sound when we blow into them.

  • Blow hot blow cold MCQ questions:

    • We feel warm when we put on a blanket because:

      • The blanket is warm.

      • The blanket does not let air enter.

      • Our body is warm.

      • None of the above.

Interesting Facts About Blowing Air

  • If air is blown through a small opening in a fast manner, the air that comes out is cold.

  • If air is blown through a large opening in a slow manner, the air that comes out is hot.

  • If we place our hands close to our mouth, we feel hot air but if we move them away, the air feels colder.

  • The air coming out of our mouths does not differ in temperature, but it is the air in our surroundings that causes hot and cold phenomena. 

  • The air in our atmosphere is always cooler than the air from our lungs.

Important Topics of Blow Hot Blow Cold Chapter

  • Understand the concept of blow hot blow cold through a story and various practical experiments.

  • Perform some experiments to find out how our breathing changes after an exercise.

  • Make a stethoscope of a rubber tube and listen to your heart rate.

  • Make whistles out of different objects like a toffee wrapper, cap of a pen, balloon, etc. and find out which one makes the loudest sound when you blow in it.

Get Your Free Copy of Hot and Cold Worksheet PDF Now

  • The concept of hot and cold through blowing is explained in an interesting manner so that kids understand as well as play around with this concept in many ways.

  • The blow hot blow cold Class 5 EVS worksheet Pdf is available to download for free so that you can keep it on your device and access it from anywhere anytime.

  • The Pdf is also available in a printable format which gives you the ease of access for a quick revision right before your exam.

Vedantu has an experienced team of experts who do extensive research to come up with content for Class 5 students. The PDF adheres to the latest CBSE curriculum and can guarantee you high marks in exams.

FAQs on CBSE Class 5 EVS Worksheet Chapter 15 Blow Hot Blow Cold - PDF

1. What are some ways you can use the warmth of your breath?

We can use the warmth of our breath for purposes like treating redness of the eye from injury, cooling down a hot item, etc.

2. The woodcutter cooled the potatoes before eating them. What would have happened if he ate them without cooling?

If the woodcutter ate the potatoes without blowing and cooling them, he would have got burns in his mouth.

3. Which is the organ of respiration that helps us in breathing?

The lungs in our body help us in breathing.