Who is Plato?
Plato was a well known ancient greek philosopher. He was the founder of the Academy in Athens. His institution was the first institution for higher learning in the western world. Plato made a great contribution to philosophical works and got unparalleled influence in Western thought. Plato was a student of Socrates and a teacher of the Greek philosopher of Aristotle. He explored justice, equality and justice through his writings. He made many discussions in epistemology, political philosophy, cosmology, aesthetics, theology, and the philosophy of language.
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About Plato’s Early Life
During the Plato time period, he does not have a primary source to plan his life. But he was constructed as a scholar through his writing of contemporaries and classical historians. According to Plato Biography, the birthday of Plato was around 428 BCE. According to modern scholars, while tracing the life event of Plato he was born between 424 and 423 BCE. But they could not find Plato date of birth. The parents of Plato were the Greek aristocracy. Ariston of Athens was the father of Plato, he was descended from the kings of Athens and Messenia. Perictione was the mother of Plato, she was the Greek statesman Solon during the 6th century BCE. Also, many historians eagerly wait to find where was Plato born in Athens.
According to the belief of other scholar scientists, Plato was after his Grandfather. As the Aristocles family have the tradition of naming their eldest son with their ancestors. Still, there is no conclusive evidence about the Plato family. Other historians predicted that “Plato” may be his nickname, after referring to his physical appearance. Still, many records of Plato remain unknown.
According to many researchers from Plato biography, they suggested that Plato must acquire knowledge from some of Athens' finest educators. Also, his curriculum must have featured the doctrines of Cratylus and Pythagoras as well as Parmenides. That must probably pave the way for Plato's study of metaphysics and epistemology. Plato lost his father at a young age and his mother remarried her uncle Pyrilampes. Pyrilampes was also a greek politician and an ambassador to Persia.
Usually, Plato used to mention his family members in his dialogues. According to that, he must probably have two brothers and one sister. Many historians also believed that his writing shows the pride moment in his family lineage.
Which Greek Philosopher Was the Teacher of Plato?
Plato experienced two major events in his life at his young stage and that further diverted him to a new course in life. The first one was his meeting with the great Greek philosopher Socrates. Plato got much impressed with the Greek philosopher Socrates’s dialogue and debate. Plato became much closer to Socrates and became a close associate and Plato dedicated his life to be the question of virtue and the formation of a noble character. Another significant event, that happened in the life of Plato was the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. During that period from 409 to 404 BCE, Plato served for a brief time.
At the end of the war, Athens became a democracy. Also, Oligarchy replaced the Spartans. Charmides and Critias were the relatives of Plato and became prominent figures in the new government of Athens. Thirty Tyrants were briefly ruled the Athenian citizens. Later, In Sparta people overthrew the oligarchy and restored democracy. Initially, Plato had a great interest in politics. But his conversation with Socrates in 399 BCE turned life and made him study philosophy.
After the death of Socrates, Plato took 12 years to travel throughout the Mediterranean region. While travelling, he studied mathematics with the Pythagoreans in Italy. In Egypt, he learned geometry, astronomy and astronomy. Later, he moved his interest towards writing. His order of writing arose some debates among scholars. Meanwhile, many scholars believed that he would fall within three distinct periods.
Plato Greek Philosopher - Early Life
While Plato was in travel during 399-387 B.C.E, he apologized to Socrates and wrote a script after his short death. Plato wrote other tests like Euthyphro, Protagoras, Hippias Major and Minor and Ion. All his dialogues in the writing conveyed Socrates's philosophy and teachings.
During the middle period, Plato started to write his own ideas on the central ideals of justice, courage and wisdom for modernizing the individuals and society. He also added a script about the republic in his writings and explored how the government was ruled by philosopher kings.
During the third or last period, Plato simply covered ideas of Socrates and made a close look at his own early metaphysical ideas. Through his writings he also explored the role of art, including drama, dance, architecture, ethics, morality, and music. Through the Theory of Forms written by Plato, he suggested that the idea in the world always remains constant and that need to be observed through the senses. Further ideas in world get deceptive and changeable through observations.
Plato Founding the Academy
Around 385 B.C.E, Plato named the school of learning as the Academy. He presided over the same through plato life. From his perspective, he believed that the school was located near the enclosed park and named as a legendary Athenian hero. Till 529 CE, the academy was in operation. Later, the academy was closed by Roman Emperor Justinian I. Because they feared that academy was a source of paganism and it would become a great threat to Christianity. Till 529, the Academy included astronomy, mathematics, biology, political theory and philosophy in their curriculum. Plato Greek philosopher, also believed that the Academy will provide the required place for future leaders to make better discoveries. It also helps to build a better government in the Greek city-states.
Dion was a friend and disciple to Plato. In 367 BCE, Dion invited Plato and requested him to be the personal tutor of his nephew, Dionysius II. During that time, Dionysius II was the new ruler of Syracuse. Because, Dion needs Dionysius II to be a promising and ideal leader. Later, Plato also accepted Dion;s request and helped produce a philosopher king with his experience. But, Dionysius II did not come upto the level of Dion’s expectation. Later Dion stood against plato and conspired against him. Later, Dion kept Plato under house arrest. Later, Plato returned to Athens and continued his Academy. There he met one of his promising students Aristotle. Aristotle took all his mentor’s teaching in the new direction.
Plato’s Death
Plato spent his last time period at the Academy and continued his writings. Plato death was more certain in Athens around 348 BCE. During Plato's death he was at the age of 80 years. But some historians provide that his death occured during his wedding. Meanwhile others believed that he died peacefully in his sleep.
Plato’s belief on philosophy and the nature of humans was still producing impact around the people beyond his homeland Greece. His work also covered a broad spectrum of interests and ideas in mathematics, science and nature, morals and political theory. He also found that mathematics was important in the entire universe. So, it is important to keep mathematics as a part of education. Plato also worked on the use of reason to develop a fair society. He also focused on equality of individuals to establish the foundation for modern democracy.
FAQs on Plato Biography
1. What Was Plato's Main Philosophy?
Ans: Plato was an ancient greek philosopher. The main philosophy of Plato is to maintain a virtue-based eudaimonistic conception of ethics. Through philosophy, Plato says that happiness or well-being highly depends on moral thought and conduct and the virtues that need to attain the required skills and dispositions.
2. Why is Plato the Best Philosopher?
Ans: Plato was named the most important philosopher in the world. Plato was also known as the father of idealism in philosophy. The ideas of Plato played an important role in the development of society and supporting the systems. He remains as a philosopher-king for the ideal ruler. Plato was best known to the college students, through his parable of a cave, that has appeared in Plato’s Republic.
3. What Did Plato say about Atlantis?
Ans: Plato had done many fantasizing things to make people fall in love. Around 360 BC, Plato told the story of Atlantis. In that Plato mentioned that humans were half god and half-human. Humans have created a utopian civilization, which was greater than naval power.