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Adolf Hitler Biography

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Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was a German leader and a dictator belonging to the Nazi Party in Berlin, capital of Germany. He rose to power gradually due to his oratorical skills and a strategic mind. He inflicted pain upon many of his fellow countrymen and yet had many supporters who believed in what he did. He orchestrated World War 2 and the deadliest Holocausts which killed millions of people.

Hitler Biography

Basic Information:

Hitler Birthday - 20 April 1889, in Braunau am Inn, Austria

Died on 30 April 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Germany

Cause of Death - Suicide

About Hitler

Adolf Hitler was almost Adolf Schicklgruber, because his father Alois who adopted his mother’s Maria Anna Schicklgruber surname until in his 40’s when he decided to take on his stepfather’s Johann Georg Hiedler surname. Adolf was legally documented as Adolf Hitler. He was very close to his mother and was grief-stricken when he lost her to breast cancer in 1907 after much pain and suffering. His relationship with his father was difficult as he feared him a lot and disliked him. He lost him in 1903.

He was born in Braunau am Inn Austria, and moved to Linz which is the capital of upper Austria. He never completed his higher education and after his secondary education visited Vienna, upon returning to Linz he pursued his interest in becoming an artist. But was denied admissions to the Academy Of Fine Arts, twice. He earned his livelihood by painting postcards and advertisements. During his visit to Vienna he realized the cosmopolitan nature of the city and hated it. His experiences till now had made him aware of the newer world.

Adolf Hitler History

When World War 1 broke out in August 1914, Adolf Hitler was already living in Munich since 1913 and there was a screening to enter the military service, and he voluntarily enlisted his name for the selection in the Bavarian Army he was rejected and the reason cited was his lack of vigor. But he went ahead and sent a petitioner request to  Bavarian King Louis III to be allowed to serve, and then was allowed to join the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. He was deployed to Belgium in October 1914 after a training period of 8 weeks and participated in the  First Battle of Ypres. He rendered his services throughout the entire duration of the war and was even hospitalized. He was rewarded with the Iron Cross, second Class for his bravery displayed in December 1914 and the Iron Cross First Class which is a rare decorated medal in August 1918. The war gave him a disruption from his civilian life and he was very satisfied with the discipline and comradeship virtues which further solidified his heroic virtues of war. This exposure during wartime also reinstated and reinforced his German patriotism.

Adolf Hitler’s Rise to Power

Following Germany’s defeat in the 1st World War he took up further political interest and role after he returned to Munic in May of 1919. He remained in the army due to lack of formal education and further career prospects. He was assigned to influence soldiers and entered the small German Workers Party (DAP) in September 1919, his oratorical skills impressed and engaged everyone including the Party Chairman Anton Drexler. Along with the Chairman and other influential leaders who influenced him with the ideas of anti-capitalism and anti-Marxist ideas followed their orders and left the army to officially join the party in March 1920. The party was renamed to National Socialist Workers Party NSDAP also called Nazi Party.

The workings in the party was a fruitful one for Adolf Hitler as he successfully managed to gather more and more people to join the party. This worked in his favor as many were still grieving from the loss they faced during the 1st World War and many more were dissatisfied with the running  Republican government in Berlin. The discontent and resentment brought together the servicemen in Munich to join this party who were adamant in not returning to the civilian life. Hitler took advantage of this situation and was skilled enough to gather many more army generals to join the party. And the favourable conditions allowed for the growth of this small party. Due to economic instability and many economic losses many civilians turned to join the party. In July 1921 Hitler became the leader who had unlimited powers.

He was arrested on 11 November 1923 after an attempted coup for high treason; his term in jail was for 5 years but he served jail time only for 9 months. After he returned, the situation totally changed in Germany. The Republican party reformed many rules and the economic losses suffered post war was recovering, achieving economic stability. Hitler was banned from giving speeches in Bavaria and many other German states. This ban was prominent in 1927 and 1928.

The economy collapsed during the great depression in October 1929. And during this time he joined Nationalist Alfred Hugenberg in a campaign against the Young Plan, which was an attempt in the second renegotiation of Germany’s war reparation payments. Through Hugenberg’s papers he had a nationwide audience. And once again rose to power by getting funds and support from many political leaders and army generals. He also became the Chancellor in January 1930 after the death of the President. The leadership turned to dictatorship from 1933-1939. And through his power the Nazi party won and ruled in several votes.

Adolf Hiltler’s Role in the 2nd World War

As his dictatorship was a form of rule, his beliefs included discriminating against the jews and tortured them incessantly. This only led to his overpowering ambition to control more territories and fulfill his personal avenge by manipulating people into believing that they were only recovering the losses from the harsh treatment Germany faced in the 1st World War they attacked Poland in September 1939. This invasion led to a reverted attack by French and British who offered military support to Poland and these countries declared war. The war was a gruesome one and even his countrymen were not spared.

The attacks were made on several nations and it was retaliated with equal vigour by many nations as well. 30 nations were involved in the 2nd World War. Around 100 Million participated and casualties reported were 70 million to 85 million.

Hitler’s Death

The war ended in May 1945 after German surrendered a week after Hitler’s suicide. Adolf Hitler commited suicide on 30th April 1945 when he shot himself on the basement of his home in Berlin. His wife Eva Braun whom he married on 29th April 1945 was also found dead after drinking poison following the instructions of her husband Adolf Hitler. He died carrying the Iron Cross he received for his service during the 1st World War. The bodies were burned and buried according to his orders. There were many controversies and conspiracy theories surrounding his death stating he was alive and protected by the west which was disregarded when ashes from his cremation were tested and proved his death indefinitely.

FAQs on Adolf Hitler Biography

Q1. How is Hitler?

Ans. Hitler as he was famously known is a German leader and is a great orator and a speaker who could completely manipulate an audience to his side. He also served as a frontline force in German army during World War 1. His beliefs were truly discriminatory against the Jews. He was one of the cruel dictators of the 20th century.

Q2. Who is Hitler in Germany?

Ans. Hitler became a chancellor in January 1933 after the death of the President. And only rose to power exponentially after that. He was also the leader of the Nazi Party that believed and spread the anti-Semitic, nationalist, anti-capitalist, and anti-Marxist ideas. He was also a dictator in the period of 1933-1939 when his part was in ruling power.

Q3. When did Hitler Born?

Ans. Hitler was born on 20 April 1889, in Braunau am Inn, Austria. He moved to  Linz which is the capital of upper Austria, and spent most of his childhood there. He also considered Linz to be his favorite city in the world and wished to be buried there.

Q4. What is the Full Name of Hitler?

Ans. Hitler’s full name was always legally documented as Adolf Hitler but he almost was Adolf Schicklgruber, because his father Alois who adopted his mother’s Maria Anna Schicklgruber surname until in his 40’s when he decided to take on his stepfather’s Johann Georg Hiedler surname. He shared a deep and close relationship with his mother and feared and disliked his father.