Revision Notes for CBSE Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Data Handling Class 7 Notes CBSE Maths Chapter 3
1. What All Strategies are Needed While Studying Maths?
While studying maths you all need to be very attentive and focused as biology as a subject is full of concepts and numerical and each part is equally important as the exam point of view. So memorizing all these concepts is not an easy task, it needs regular revision. So, that you can understand and learn each topic thoroughly. One who wants to score good marks in biology needs to work hard and do constant study.
2. How Vedantu Notes are Important from an Exam Preparation Point of View?
Vedantu always considers their students as their family and for them, they put all their efforts. Our top educators who are specialized in their respective fields, prepare the best revision notes for their students. In our revision notes, we cover all important topics as per the board and competitive exams point of view.
From these revision notes, you can cover all the important topics of a particular subject within an hour. These revision notes also our frequently asked questions along with several multiple-choice questions which will help you in practicing more and more questions.
3. List all the topics covered in Chapter 3 of Maths in Class 7.
Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 introduces students to data organization and related statistics. The chapter also introduces several new concepts such as probability which are a prominent part of the syllabus in higher standards. List of topics covered by the prescribed textbook to explain these new concepts are Collection of Data, Organisation of Data, Arithmetic Mean, Mode, Mode of Large Data, Median, Use of Bar Graphs with a Different Purpose, Chance and Probability. Students should pay special attention to these topics for examinations.
4. Where can I find notes for the theory part of Chapter 3?
The theory section of Chapter 3 is as important as the numerical section of this chapter. There are new terms and concepts explained in the chapter which can be confusing as these terms are closely related. Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Revision Notes contains all the topics of this chapter. You can find notes about all the topics mentioned in the Class 7 Maths NCERT book. To download these notes, you can visit Vedantu’s website. The notes are free of cost and also available on Vedantu Mobile app.
5. What is a median according to Class 7 Maths Chapter 3?
When random data is organized in ascending order i.e. from the smallest number to the largest number, then the middlemost observation of the data assembled is termed as the median of that given data.
For example, a random collection of data about mangoes is 10, 15, 20, 30, 25, 40, 35.
Reorganizing the data of mangoes in ascending order - 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
Therefore, the middlemost term in this observation is 25, which is the median of mangoes.
6. Is Chapter 3 important from an examination point of view?
The chapter briefs students about the organization of a variety of data. This skill of organization of data is an important skill when it comes to the corporate world. The concept of organizing data is used in almost all fields of work. Thus, it is important to pay attention to the concepts of this chapter. The chapter is also necessary from the examination point of view as the chapter consists of a good amount of theory as well as numerical.
7. How many questions are there to practice in Chapter 3?
Chapter 3 follows the familiar pattern of NCERT books and comprises four exercises that are within the chapter. The total number of questions, combining all the questions of the four exercises, is 28, followed by sub-questions. Exercise 3.1 comprises nine questions, Exercise 3.2 comprises five questions with sub-questions, Exercise 3.3 consists of 5 questions with sub-questions, and Exercise 3.4 comprises nine questions that are based on the concepts of data handling.