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Write a paragraph of about 120-150 words on how we can make our surroundings green, pollution free and environment friendly.

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
Total views: 404.1k
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Hint: Use the following points:
stop the use of plastic - plant more trees - spread more awareness - contribute what little you can - organize drives - use public transportation.

Complete answer:

In today’s society, one cannot turn a blind eye towards pollution. Pollution is the reckoning of today’s world and we are what has caused it to be this way. However, we have to band together to stop it. There are many ways that one can contribute to stopping pollution. The first goal should be to start small. There are plenty of things you can do from your own home, which will aid in abating pollution. Start by eliminating the usage of single-use plastic. Opt for cloth bags and paper bags, instead. If your house/building has a garden, you can plant trees. If you cannot do that, you can donate money to charities, which will plant trees for you. You can also contribute to your city by writing letters to your city corporations, you can attend protests, and you can also use city transportation so that you, ultimately, cause less pollution. Then, if you can contribute to a national/international level, you can attend climate strikes, you can storm the environment ministries, and you can try to use green transportation. You can also try to limit your carbon emissions by simply watching what you put in your body and becoming more aware of how the food you are eating is actually manufactured. And finally, the last thing you can do is to motivate other people to do the same.

Note: Follow the instructions in order to write in the correct format. Try to expand the given sentences and plot out points in order to convert them into a paragraph. You can also add your own points to the given list.
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