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Which place did Christopher Columbus discover in $1492$ ?
(A) China
(B) India
(C) Central America
(D) Indonesia

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 379.5k
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Hint Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who discovered America and whose voyages marked the beginning of the century of transatlantic colonization. Explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic from Spain: $1492,1493,1498$ and $1502$ .

Complete step by step answer
Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, $1451$ . little is known about his early life, but he worked as a sailor and later as a sailing entrepreneur. He was obsessed with the ability to advance the western sea route to Cathay(china), India and the legendary island of Asia in the region of gold and spices.
Western European countries had invested heavily in hiring experienced seafarers and providing them with ships and other resources to explore new routes. This led to the discovery of central America by Christopher Columbus in $1492$ . He believed he had reached India and called the indigenous people of India. That’s why native Americans are now called as Indian.
In August $3$ , $1492$ , Columbus sailed on three small ships, Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina, from Palos, Spain. On October $12$ , the expedition spotted land, possibly Watling island in the Bahamas, and landed the same day, claiming Spain.

Thus the option (C) is correct

Note Central America is sometimes defined as the American sub- region. This region is bordered by Mexico to the north, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south. Columbus did not want to prove that the earth was round.