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Which laws were supported by the British Parliament?
A) Corn Laws
B) British Laws
C) Labour Laws
D) Agricultural Laws

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
Total views: 282.6k
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Hint: Since the $18th$ century, the population of the United Kingdom has increased. This increased demand for food grains. Growth in urban and industrial regions aided this process, increasing demand for agricultural products. Food grain prices, such as corn, have risen dramatically. In this situation, legislation was needed to regulate their supply.

Complete answer:
The Corn Rules are a set of laws that empower the British government to limit corn imports. These rules were repealed as a result of industrialists and city dwellers' dissatisfaction with high food costs, which compelled the repeal of the Corn Laws.
As a result, food could be brought into the UK at a lower cost.

The effects were as follows:
1. Britain began importing food grains from other countries.
2. Agriculture in the United Kingdom was unable to compete with imports.
3. Huge swaths of land had been left uncultivated.
4. Thousands of men and women lost their jobs. They began to move to cities.
5. In the United Kingdom, food prices decreased but consumption increased.
6. Food grains were sent from Russia, America, and Australia to supply British demand. They needed railways to connect the ports.

Thus the correct answer is option ‘A’.

Note: In the nineteenth century, almost $50$ million travelled from Europe to America and Australia. The massive agricultural operations necessitated both capital and labour. Financial centres such as London were a source of capital. In nations like America and Australia, where labour was in limited supply, the demand for labour was met. As a result, more people began to migrate.
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