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The soil is formed by the breaking down of rocks by the action of:
A. Wind
B. Water
C. Climate
D. All of the above

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 400.2k
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Hint: Soil is formed by a process called weathering which occurs by the action of various atmospheric forces.

Complete answer: The method by which soil is formed is called weathering. Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks by the action of heavy wind, water flow, and climate. Breaking down of rocks yields some small particles which mix with hummus. This mixture of small rocks and humus makes the soil fertile.
So, wind, water, and climate- all three help in soil-formation.

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Additional information: Advances in the watershed, natural resource, and environmental sciences have indicated that soil is the foundation of basic ecosystem function. Soil filters our water, gives essential nutrients to our forests and crops and helps regulate the Earth's temperature as well as many of the necessary greenhouse gases.

Hence the correct answer is D. all of the above.

Note: Not only the breaking down of rocks but weathering also refers to the breaking down or dissolving of the minerals present on the surface of the Earth.
Various agents of weathering include- water, ice, acids, salts, plants, animals, and changes in temperature.
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