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The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, Atmosphere and land.
A) Water cycle
B) Tides
C) Ocean currents
D) None of these

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: It is a complex process that involves the movement of the water in the atmosphere in different forms. Water is present in all three phases which are solid, liquid and gas.

Complete answer:
Let us analyze the given options:
Option A) The continuous movement of water within the atmosphere of the earth in different forms is called the water cycle. It includes many different processes and it’s a complex process. Water in the form of liquids evaporates into water vapour, forms clouds from condensing, and in the form of rain and snow, it precipitates back to earth. Hence, this option is correct
Option B) Tides are very long length waves that move through the ocean according to the force exerted by the moon and sun and the rotation of the earth. They start from the ocean and move towards the coastline. Hence this option is incorrect
Option C) Currents that are predictable and move according to the direction of wind or gravity is called Ocean Currents. They move in horizontal and vertical directions. Hence, this option is Incorrect
Option D) This option is incorrect because one of the options given above is already correct.

The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, Atmosphere and land is called the water cycle.

Thus, the correct answer is option (A).

Note: Water in different forms moves in the atmosphere. Liquid water has flown on the land. Groundwater moves into the plants and then evaporates in the atmosphere (transpiration). Ice and snow directly turn into gas.