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The main point of Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points, written in 1918 was _____ ?
(A) Guarantee that all people live under a democracy.
(B) Spread U.S influence in the world.
(C) Shift U.S policy from isolation to involvement.
(D) EStablish a peacekeeping force in europe
(E) Prevent future Wars by rectifying the causes of world war I

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint:Issue fourteen was a motion made by US President Woodrow Wilson in a speech before Congress on January 8, 1918, outlining his approach to ending the First World War that would prevent such a confrontation from happening again.

Complete solution: - One of the principles for the Fourteen Points was the peace that was being used to prevent the order of peace talks from the First World War. The principles were outlined on January 8, 1918, by President Woodrow Wilson for the United States Congress on the purpose of war and the terms of peace. But his main allies (Georges Clemenco of France, David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom and Vittorio Orlando of Italy) doubted the applicability of Wilsonian idealism.
On 6 April 1917, the United States joined the Triple Antennas in the Battle of the Central Powers. Its entry into the war was due to the resumption of submarine warfare with France and Britain against merchant ships and the interception of Zimmerman. Telegram. However, Wilson wanted to avoid the United States' involvement in prolonged European tensions between the great powers; If America was going to fight, it wanted to try to separate that partnership from nationalist disputes or ambitions. The need for moral motives was made more important when the Russian government, after the fall of the Bolsheviks, revealed secret treaties between friendly nations. Wilson's speech responded to Vladimir Lenin's decision on the peace of November 1917, soon after the October Revolution of 1917.
 The speech by Wilson took many domestic progressive ideas and translated them into foreign policy (free trade, open agreement, democracy and self-determination). Three days ago the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Lloyd George, gave a speech to establish the UK's war, which had some resemblance to Wilson's speech, but the proposed resolution must be paid for by the central powers and which non-Turkish The subjects were more ambiguous in their promises. Of the Ottoman Empire. Fourteen points in the speech were based on inquiry research, Foreign Policy Advisor Edward M. A team of about 150 advisers, led by the House, in the themes that arose in the anticipated peace conference.

So option D Is the correct answer.

Note: President Wilson became physically ill at the start of the Paris Peace Conference, giving way to French Prime Minister Georges Clemensu to pursue demands that were quite different from Wilson's fourteen points. Clemenko saw Germany as economically victorious over France because of the heavy damage the German army dealt with France's industries even during the German retreat, and expressed dissatisfaction with France's allies at the peace conference .
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