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The cost of fencing a square field at 14 rupees per meter is 28000. Find the area.

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: To solve this type of question we will proceed by using the formula to calculate the area of the square field which is given as the total cost of fencing whole square field is equal to area of the square field multiplied by the rate in rupees per meter.

Complete step-by-step answer:
We are given the cost of fencing a square field at 14 rupees per meter is Rs. 28000.
Because the field is square then we have the area of square field as side square.
Let the area of the square field be x.
We have the cost of fencing the square field at 14 rupees per meter and the total cost of fencing as Rs.28000.
To solve this, we have a formula as below,
The total cost of fencing the whole square field is equal to the area of the square field multiplied by the rate in rupees per meter.
Applying the value of rate as 14 rupees per meter and the total cost of fencing as Rs.28000 we get,
The total cost of fencing the whole square field is equal to the area of the square field multiplied by the rate 14 rupees per meter.
The total cost of fencing whole square field = (area of square field) (rate of 14 rupees per meter).
Area of the square field = the total cost of fencing whole field/rate of 14 rupees per meter
Substituting the values of total cost of fencing whole square field as 28000 and the rate of 14 rupees per meter we get,
Area of the square field = 28000/14
Therefore, the area of the square field = 2000
Hence, we get the area of the square field as 2000 square metre.

Note:The possibility of error in the question is that converting 14 rupees per meter to centimetres which would be wrong because while doing calculation for Rupees we always use units in meters.