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The Aravalli Range is the oldest mountain range in India, running across Rajasthan, from northeast to southwest direction, extending approximately 692 km.

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: The Aravali mountain range is a type of old fold mountain and was formed almost 1.8 billion years ago due to collision of tectonic plates below the earth’s surface.

Complete answer:
a. True: This is the correct option since the Aravallis are a series of old fold mountains in the westerbn part of India, stretching from Haryana to Gujarat and covering parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. the run from northeast to south west and due to this reason they fall parallel to the Arabian Sea branch of the southwest monsoon winds. So, they are not able to deliver rainfall in the parts of Rajasthan. This makes most of the area in Rajasthan around Aravallis arid and semi arid with scarcity of water. Also, the length of these mountains is almost 692 kilometers with the highest peak at Guru Shikhar in Rajasthan which is less than 2000 metres high. These mountains have lost a significant amount of their height due to weathering over a billion years. Since all the statements made in the question are found to be true, it can be concluded that the entire statement made in the question is true.
b. False: It is an incorrect option since the given information is correct.

Note: The Aravalli Range is one of the oldest mountain systems of the world and was formed when the Indian plate was not connected to the Eurasian Plate and there was an existence of the mighty Tethys Sea in between them. Hence, the Aravallis are similar in composition with the African plateaus.