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Who was proclaimed German Emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871?

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: After the Napoleonic Wars, the German territorial conflict for sovereign leadership among the German-speaking people complicated the alliance of German states, whether it would exclude or include Austria. Within a seven-year span, the Habsburg monarchy, Denmark and France were vanquished, after three successful wars by the North German state of Prussia.

Complete answer:
During the war, the South German states joined the North German Confederation. The Legislative organs renamed the country as “Deutsches Reich” means the German Empire. Kaiser Wilhelm 1, who was proclaimed German emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871. He was the first head of state of united Germany, Prussia achieved the unification of Germany under his reign. He hesitated to accept the constitutional title of “Deutscher Kaiser” i.e. the emperor of Germany as it would overshadow the title of King of Prussia. Although he reluctantly relented and the ceremony was held in the Hall of mirrors in Palace of Versailles on 18 January.

Note: In 1862, The first war of German unification took place which was a Danish war, followed by the second war of German unification in 1866 with Austro-Prussian war, where Prussia won the war and annexed several German states and the final act of German unification was of 1870-71 which was the Franco-Prussian war, where the foreign policy of German Empire was made in Berlin at Palace of Versailles.
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