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Mark out the difference between 'coming together' and ' holding together' federations_______.
A) Territory
B) Economy
C) Number of States
D) Powers of Central Government

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 369k
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Hint:The difference lies in the distribution of power in a republic. Power is distributed between the states and the centre and the extent to which the powers are distributed brings about the differences in 'coming together' and holding together federations.

Complete answer:
 Coming together and holding together are the parts of federalism and in unitary government the power is with the Central government. 'Coming together' means the states are fully independent and have equal power to the central Switzerland and USA and 'holding together' means the states are independent but not fully and the central government has more power than the states. Now let's see the options:-

Territory- coming together and holding together has nothing to do with the territorial extent of the country; this is incorrect.
Economy- As mentioned, the question is related to the distribution of powers and economy is not related to it, therefore it's an incorrect option.
Number of states- Number of states is not being discussed hence this is incorrect.
Powers of the Central Government- The distribution of powers of a republic between Central Government and State Government is the context of the question.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Note: India is a unique case in terms of federation. In the constitution it is mentioned that India is a Union of States but some features like independent judiciary, right to collect tax by the state government etc proves it's federal features.
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