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What is the main occupation of the people living in the village?
(A) Fishing
(B) Agriculture
(C) Teaching
(D) Doctor

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint As we know the main occupation of the people living in villages is agriculture. India is a country with Agriculture as the major occupation. More than half the population of India is engaged in primary activities like agriculture.

Complete answer:
As we know that India is the country of villages. Since ancient times Agriculture was the major occupation in India. In current times the people engaged in Agriculture activities in India are more than the half of the total population of India Though the share of Agriculture in GDP is comparatively less than other secondary and tertiary sectors like manufacturing and services.
Agriculture is a primary activity. It works as the raw material industry for various secondary sector industries. Agriculture requires less skill than manufacturing and in Rural India the lack of Skill is a major cause that the people are engaged in Agricultural activities.
Government of India is trying to increase the farmer’s income by various schemes like Pradhanmantri Fasal Bima Yojna, Kisan Man Dhan Yojana etc.

Therefore, the main occupation of people living in villages is Agriculture and its allied activities.

People living in villages are not very skilled so the maximum population of villages is engaged in agricultural activities. Other occupations require certain skill sets which are lacking in rural India, though the government has launched programs like skill India to enhance the skills in people of villages as well so that they can take part in other economic activities and reduce the burden on Agricultural activities.
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